Entry 164: Rito Village

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The sun rise is gorgeous here. Maybe it's because we're so high up, or something else, but here, the sun rise is something else from others I had seen.

I helped Amali make breakfast, we even made a separate dish for Bossa Nova, an extra nice salad or sorts. Seeing how much I love cooking Amali offered to teach me other Rito recipes. Truthfully, I think their recipes would be ones I could make just about everyday when traveling, and any ingredients I can't get, I can easily replace with something similar from just about every region.

But that would have to be saved for another day. For now I'm going searching for Teba and information on Vah Medoh.

Most people just said he was a warrior with a bad temper, but also mad because he keeps trying to fight Vah Medoh.

I met the bowsmith Harth. Of everyone in town he knew the most about Teba. Word had already reached him of me asking about Teba. Like the others he had no idea where the guy was, some have actually assumed he might be dead. He's been missing a while now, he used to return after failed attempts at fighting off the Diving Beast but he just suddenly stopped one day. Teba and Harth had been friends for a long time, their kids play together a lot so they were spending even more time together before he disappeared. Teba, of everyone is by far the best at flying he said. He has a bit of a temper, rude and reckless, but Harth and him look out for one another, despite that, even Harth doesn't know where he is now. All he knows for sure is that Teba's insane for trying to fight the thing alone, it was one thing when the other warriors were by his side but most people can only take so many defeats, injuries and deaths, but not Teba saying he's as stubborn as they come.

Before I could leave Hearth asked if I had noticed if my bow had not been working as good as it used too lately. It had been. He told me if I was planning on fighting Vah Medoh I need a proper bow. I asked how he knew my plan, and he told me I have the exact same look in my eyes as Teba when he said he wasn't quitting the fight. He knew neither of us could be talked out of this endeavor, but the very least he could do was try to help us survive a little longer.

As much as I adore the crystal craftsmanship of Zora's... well everything, the Rito certainly outclass them when it comes to bow work. The bow are the Rito's main weapons after all. As he worked I told him about how Zoras work with crystals since he's unfamiliar with the stuff which lead to me just talking about my travels. Hearth noticed how the crystal bow wasn't too great for shooting, he had wondered how I had survived with it for so long, since crystal can't bend like wood can. Favoring the Zora weapons for swords and the like is one thing, but you couldn't judge a bow by that. Hearth made an amazing bow for me, part wood, part metal, part leather, it's so much more powerful and can shoot farther than the crystal bow.

Harth had asked me if on my travels I had ran into Kass. When I told him Kass was in town, he was surprised, then mumbled something about how maybe it was a good thing Teba wasn't in town and that Harth himself should see Kass.

While Harth was making the bow I kept searching for information.

The elder seemed to recognize the Shikah slate. Elder Kaneli was rather sleepy but immediately woke up seeing it. He recognized me as a Champion, like Revali. Then he realized something. All the Champions died a hundred years ago, so he came to the conclusion that I must be a descendant of the Hylian Champion. Since I was a descendant in his eyes he thought I could help and asked me to listen to him. He was overjoyed to hear that was actually why I had come to see him. He thought only I could even board the Beast for some reason and thought this would be impossible for others to do. I don't think the Divine Beasts were in any way tied to the Champions, I think anyone could have piloted them and they just happened to be chosen, although, Sidon is Mipha's sister and both Yunobo and Riju are descendants of Daruk and Urbosa. He told me how both Teba and Harth had tried but Harth got injured. It seems no one else has even dared to try. Unfortunately, Elder Kaneli didn't know where Teba is either.

And so I went back to searching, but it didn't last long though. I saw a woman talking to Amali earlier today and she approached me. She had overheard me speaking with the elder, so the traveler friend of Kass' was also a descendant. She wondered if Kass finding me was a coincidence or if he went searching out for someone like me, and that's why he left. She's Saki, Teba's wife. She wanted to help more but can do little more than tell me where she thinks he is. A place called the Flight Range in Dronoc's Pass at the base of the Hebra Mountains. It's a place for training for Rito Warriors. It's a special place, made by Revali for his own training.

There's this platform called Revali's Landing, it faces the Flight Range and leads directly there by flight. It's a memorial for him. It's all that's left, other than tales of him being a great warrior, but... nothing else. I watched Vah Medoh as it drifted through the sky, surprisingly since it's made of stone, but Shikah technology can seemingly do anything, so I guess I really shouldn't be. Suddenly wind from seemingly out of nowhere picked up. He created it, shooting high into the sky before gracefully and effortlessly landing on the railing of the landing. He seemed to speak for me, saying his skill was impressive. Only he can create an updraft that could allow him to take to the skies whenever and wherever he pleased, others have tried copying, but it's something that takes immense skill and dedication to learn. Others have to jump off from up high, but not him. Not just in flight he's also the most skilled archer of the Rito. He told me that despite all this it seems he was to merely assist me. Just because I happen to have the Master Sword. He wanted to fight, he wanted me to prove I was worthy of leading everyone and himself, of the sword, that I can handle facing the Calamity. He suggested he fight up on Vah Medoh. He was rather condescending noting I could not get up there on my own. Then he flew away, wishing me good luck on sealing the darkness.

It's funny. When I hear myself, it's all consuming, but hearing Revali parroting some of my own doubts and knowing what became of him and the others... I don't care. Even if I'm not strong enough now and never was back then, all I can do is to keep going and keep trying. It hurts but... it was also motivating to remember that. I'm not the only one who doubted myself, I never was some perfect hero. Because I'm not perfect, I CAN get stronger, I have not reached the limit of my potential! I can still improve! And I will!

After getting my new bow for Harth and testing it I wrote down everything in my journal. I still haven't learned of any weakness of Medoh's but surely Teba will have learned something!

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