Entry 165: Flight Range

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Kass caught me heading out for the Flight Range. I can only hold on to my paraglider for so long, and I certainly can't carry Bossa Nova while using the paraglider so Kass offered to show me to the Flight Range. Harth appeared, saying that probably wouldn't be a good idea for Kass but Kass told him it would be fine, and to keep resting, he really shouldn't have been working while still injured. Harth said if he wasn't looking out for the three of us, no one will. Not everyone likes stubborn individuals like us after all. He passed Kass a bow, telling him to just pay him later and leave the rupees on the work desk in his shop. Kass thanked him, but Harth said to thank him by coming back alive with Teba.

There were several shrines on the way to the Flight Range, all of which I had completed. I asked Kass about Rivali's legacy, what was he known for, if he had any descendants. As far as he knew Rivali didn't have any descendants and as for a legacy, him being known as the Champion, his Landing and the Flight Range. Not much as for as he knew, not even a song. Kass realized that even having grown up there he didn't know much about the guy. He was going to have to dig deep to find anything he could transform into a song. Kass hoped he could find something I could like.

There were many bushels of spicy peppers, so we made some more elixirs for Bossa Nova. Although I'm still a little worried about bring him onto mountains with snow so we left him back in the village for now. Besides, I don't think we could have taken him even if we wanted too, the girls refuse to leave him alone.

The flight range is a great updraft in a large hole. There's a pillar in the middle, on the walls and pillar are targets. Next to the updraft is a little building with some bows, bow maintenance matterials and repair equipment as well as supplies and a cooking pot.

Teba was sitting by the edge of the jumping off dock, point, thing, repairing his bow when he spotted me. He looked rather tired. After a few moments he told me that he didn't know me, and that he was busy so I should go. Then he went back to his repair work. His feathers are white like the snow.

Before I could speak Kass called out to him. Teba just kept his back to us then asked what Kass could possibly want. I told him that we want to fight the Divine Beast and stop it's rampage. Right when my words were done an arrow zipped past me, landing in the middle of a far-off target. Kass shot it. Teba looked to us and stood from his perch. He was confused. Kass wants to fight now when before he just ran off abandoning his wife and children for a dead man in such dangerous times only to return with some random hylian and both want to help him defeat Vah Medoh. He wasn't going to believe that. Kass said his leaving was to protect his family, not only his wife and children but his master was his family too, helping his master fulfill his final wishes was going to help save Hyrule. Teba didn't believe playing those songs for anyone but the Champions would help anyone, they're all dead so it's meaningless. Aside from that Kass' master is dead while his wife and children are very much alive and can't fight for themselves, he should have stayed to protect them, they need him more. Kass said he was protecting them by doing his part to save Hyrule's future, he's helping me, his capable friend get stronger, a person who could possibly end all this, someone with potential that far surpasses his own and Teba's. Kass said he was satisfied sitting on the side lines and knows when he's not powerful enough, unlike Teba who keeps insisting on fighting even when it's impossible to win. He then spoke of how scared and worried he is making Saki and Tulin. Teba said he was actually trying and not leaving the work to someone else to pick up for him. Vah Medoh is a threat to his family and he was not going to ever sit idly by if his loved ones were in danger. Even if he's not as powerful as others he didn't care, he was going to keep fighting, it's the only possible way to protect them. He said of all people Kass should be fighting, he didn't care that Kass much preferred playing his music to fighting, Kass could do whatever he wanted, but he should place the needs of his family over his own wants. Even when Kass was under the tutelage of his master, he was still a great warrior, he said Kass needed to put his training to good use. He never should have left. His family, Teba, and everyone else desperately needed him, especially with so many warriors dead now, there's not enough hunters to feed everyone. People used to respect him and would have followed his lead. Of all people to leave Kass should have been the last. Everyone needs him too much. Even if he's here now, they needed him earlier.

Kass just sighed, the past is in the past, we can't change it, only the present and future and he was here now, so is Teba, and I. Teba took a moment to cool off, apologized to me for having seen that. He was glad that at least we weren't here to stop him unlike so many others who had tried to do so before.

Teba however wasn't going to trust us just because of that, we needed to prove we could fight well in the air with a bow. First Kass and I shot many targets in a limited amount of time, then Teba gave us another tests. Go hunting. All three of us did so...

I didn't even think about it before, it just felt so natural sharing ingredients, I didn't even give a second thought as to why Amali needed my ingredients. She only had a few items in the pantry so I gave her some of the things I had in Bossa Nova's saddle bags.

We got a lot, so much we couldn't carry it all and had to take several trips to get it back to the village. Kass asked if Teba would return to the village with us. Teba wanted to get in more training. He told us to prepare, get as many arrows as we could along with some sleep, we were to plan and head out for battle at sunrise. After getting all the food back, having dinner and collecting arrows I returned to the Flight Range. Teba looked at me surprised for a moment before returning to training. After a while we started fighting each other, showing one another our respective archery techniques.

Once he noticed the sun should be rising soon, I stopped so I can write down my memories. Teba is taking a rest too, having a quick power nap before Kass arrives. Perhaps even after Vah Medoh is appeased, maybe Teba will train with me some more. I learned a lot from him in just this one night.

When we battled, I noticed Teba didn't hold anything back even though it was training. He held no hesitation. Is it because he feels responsible for protecting his family because he's the only one who can, so it's an obligation... His views on that intrigue me. I started this journey because I was told too and nothing more, but over time, I found my own motivations. I do this because I want too, not because I'm supposedly the only one who can. What if I didn't want to do this? I think people should be allowed to choose to do with their life what they want, but... what if you are forced into something you don't want, but are the only one who can, are you then obligated too, or not and your own will being more important. I suppose Zelda chose duty over herself...

We talked about this for a while. Teba is very forceful about his stance, I was told he was stubborn, I guess it didn't sink in till now. But though he stands with his beliefs he was willing to listen to my arguments. I kind of like we don't see eye to eye, I'm learning a lot from him. He told me he was learning a lot from me too. He said I'm very skilled, that it seemed as if time stopped as I shot each arrow with such precision. Only after our debate did Teba realize that he never asked my name, he wanted to know the name of such a skilled person.

He told me he felt like he had heard my name somewhere before. He thought that surely tales of such a skilled person would have reached the village by now. I told him I'm a historian of sorts, I'm trying to learn as much about the past as I can, hoping it will help with my memory loss and so I can learn more of then so I can fight the Divine Beasts now. I've been doing a lot of traveling and even I have heard tale of my travels from others, but none of them knew my name, just some mysterious knight guy, but maybe someone learned of it at some point. He admitted that it was hard to believe I had fought off the other Divine Beasts, but right now, Teba was going to take all the help he could get, but... I certainly had the skill to do so.

Kass should be back any moment now, perhaps I'll see if I can fit in a quick nap too.

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