Entry 43: ???

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The moment it started getting brighter I woke the others and we headed out. Before leaving though I had the Prince take a look at the map I had on the Sheikah slate so he could get an idea of where we are headed. Though I don't have a complete map he got a much better idea of where we were heading.

He commented on how I was holding my arm and asked if I was doing alright. I admitted about what had happened to my arm before and that I think because of that my arm hurts so much more than it should now. He really wanted to take a closer look at it but considering the fact that at the time we were racing through a thunderstorm I decided that it'd be best left for later.

Crossing the bridge was extremely difficult. It was practically submerged in raging waves which I was surprised hadn't already destroyed the bridge. Using the Ice power of the Sheikah slate I was able to create small safeish places for us to hide. Friend really didn't want to cross the bridge, and I don't blame her, but her reluctance did make getting her to cross more dangerous. I tried to keep her calm as the Prince used the bridal to pull her in the right direction. After we finally got across the Prince kept praising Friend which I think helped her calm down somewhat.

It took much longer to get across than I had thought it would. I knew that it wouldn't be bright enough to see anything for too much longer, so we had to find shelter. Friend and Bossa Nova were both very spooked, so we weren't able to get too far. Things only got worse when a tree collapsed right next to us. Friend ran away, and I chased after her as quickly as I could. As I chased after her, I fell into this mud sludgy stuff. The more I moved the more I sank into it. I kept whistling and not long after Friend showed up. I grabbed her bridal and she tried pulling me out, but it wasn't working. That's when I heard him calling out to me. I tried yelling, but he couldn't hear, I then whistled which got his attention. He almost fell in but thankfully bumped into Friend instead. After he immediately came to my aid. At first, he tried only pulling me by my left arm but that wasn't working so he had to take both. When I finally got out my right arm felt like it was being torn apart. As concerned as the Prince was, he too knew that right now our top priority was to find shelter. We could hardly see. We heard a loud squeaking noise. The Prince recognized it as his friend, so we followed it to find Bossa Nova hiding in a massive skull that was partly buried underground.

The place makes for good temporary shelter. I stayed right next to Friend. She was a lot calmer in the skull than outside.

My arm hurts so much, almost feels as if it's on fire again. The Prince asked to see it. He held my arm very gently, and the cooling touch of his smooth scaly skin felt relieving. That moment with him felt so comforting, familiar even. So familiar. Like this happened before. I was going to ask him if we've met before, but I heard him mumble something like "if only I had healing powers too." I asked if he was referring to mine. He started blushing realizing he had said that out loud. He was referring to his sister. When she was alive, she had the power to heal others. He became a bit quiet when the subject of his late sister came up, but he immediately bounced back. He reassured me that with two warriors as great as ourselves at each other's side there's no doubt that we'll make it to the Domain, and there I would most assuredly get healed.

The Prince started talking about our friends. I think he realized I need distraction from my arm. If I don't distract myself I'll just focus on the pain. He said that if Bossa Nova ran off like Friend had, he'd do the exact same thing I did. Bossa Nova is the closest person to him just as Friend is to me. We told each other how we met our companions. Prince Sidon was patrolling through the domain when he heard some odd noises. He ended up finding some hunters. It was the rainy season, so no one was allowed in the particular area they were in because of how dangerous it was. He was going to let them off with a warning till he realized they were also trying to damn up the river. No one is allowed to damn up any body of water in the Zora's Domain unless you are a Zora with a permit. That's common knowledge so these guys were breaking the law knowingly and had to be arrested. They turned out to be poachers with several animals already captured. The Prince set all the caged animals free. One in particular was the noisy one whom he heard. The creature kept chewing on the metal bars and bucked the walls of its tiny cage. When he released it, he wanted to get a better look since he'd never seen a creature like it before. He held open his hands, and the tiny creature immediately climbed on. The creature was very sniffie and explorie so the Prince had a difficult time keeping the creature from falling. From that point on that baby Capyara never left his side, and still hasn't to this day.

When first meeting I can imagine the baby Bossa Nova climb onto the Prince's open palms, and the Prince then holds Bossa Nova up to eye level, and after a moment having the biggest smile.

The Prince tried to keep chatting, but he eventually fell asleep. I'm not sure if I can, but I'll try to get some sleep.

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