Entry 171: Hebra tower

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I was dragged off to Warbler's Nest for more singing practice right after breakfast. In Warbler's Nest is one of the shrine platforms for the shrine trials, it's nice and warm compared to the ground so we sat huddled on it when doing our singing practice. Eventually a shrine appeared! The song the girls were teaching me was an ancient song Kass had taught them. So... did my singing it correctly activate the shrine? I am... just not going to question the technology. It can just do anything for all I know and care. Thinking about it is just too stressful. It is what it is and that's that. I was not going to bring them into a shrine, it could be one of the combat trial ones or have fire spewing out everywhere or any number of other dangers and I'm not sure I can keep a good enough eye on such a rambunctious group when puzzle solving so I managed to get them back home. They only relented and came back when I said I'd practice with Kass and we all sang for a while.

While back in town I overheard some more rumors about me. Some people were wondering if I was the same person that fought with Sidon to appease the Zora's Divine Beast and some other things like my maybe being the next reincarnation of the hero. Thankfully because I don't have the master sword, they dismissed the idea.

Looking back on it, I think in my every memory of the far past I had that sword, it was even something Zelda hated me for. So... why can't I find it now? How long had I searched for it back then? How much longer do I even have? I was awoken now, but why? Was it because I was fully healed, or... something else. Like the Calamity escaping. Zelda has been holding it back for a hundred years, how much longer can she last?

The girls had scattered and went off to do their own thing so Tulin and I went to do some hunting for training. Molli, Harth's daughter came along as well since we were going a little into the mountains. She told me about something her grandfather had seen while flying one day, a great white bird with an orange belly, it was right by this specific tree. I doubt it, but maybe it was the last element creature, the one Kass spotted so I've noted the location where it was spotted just in case so I can investigate later.

When we got back I overheard something else. A Frost Talus at Coldsnap Hollow had been causing trouble. Arrows and spears aren't much of a match for it, so the rito have been having trouble dealing with it.

Genli got mad at me, seeing I was leaving when it was dinner time and I'm such a good cook according to her. I tried telling her I'd only be gone for a moment, but she rallied the others and said either they were all going to follow me wherever I go forever, or I come back home and help make dinner. The others also made arguments about how dark it was getting and were wondering where I was going, if it was something secret. I quickly ran back to make dinner before they could decide to keep following me anyway after dinner just out of curiosity. They were also speculating I was going to return to the shrine. I used some extra ingredients I've collected when traveling and made some extra dishes from other places so they'd be a little more full and hopefully wouldn't feel up to following me and hiking. It was also nice to taste Zora and Hateno cuisine again. I don't think I actually need to eat regular meals, but I've really enjoyed this, eating breakfast and dinner with everyone. It's nice to get to talk with everyone. It was mostly about my travels this time, what other places are like, cooking techniques, the people and climates.

And a lot about Sidon.

Teba wants to fight him and see if he' a great as Kass and I say.

The girls insist I get more singing practice.

Amali offered to teach me more cooking.

Kass just kept trying to get me to blush the whole time.

Saik tried to get the others to calm down on the topic of Sidon and I but how she worded it only got me more flustered.

I'm not used to this, being the center of attention or my relationship with Sidon being it.

I kinda liked it, but it was also a little embarrassing.

After dinner Amali asked where I was sneaking off too. I told her about the talus and that I was going to deal with it, and while I was out take care of some other things as well. She asked me how long I was going to be out. I'm not sure. She told me to at least say goodbye to the girls, me leaving is rather sudden. I guess not saying 'goodbye' is a bad habit of mine. After telling them I'd see them later Amali gave me a bundle of arrows to take, and she told me she'd make a portion of breakfast for me in case I was back by the morning. She also wished me safe travels and saw Bossa Nova and I out of the village.

It's way past morning now. I spent a good amount of time collecting vegetation for Bossa Nova so he can have something to eat while out in the snow. I did have my own breakfast with Bossa Nova though, a vegetable soup, and he seemed to like it, so I think it was good!

There's this abandoned, decaying town by Hebra Tower, I cleared out all the monsters so Bossa Nova and I are resting here for now. Traveling through snow is a bit taxing on him, like when traveling through sand. While he's sleeping, I'm studying the snow boots I got from that one guy in the desert. Maybe I can recreate whatever makes it easier to walk on snow with these for Bossa Nova so he can have an easier time too.

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