Entry 149: Zora's Domain

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Sidon came to training today! Everybody got extra energetic with him around, his... I don't know. There's this charm about him I've never seen in anyone else. It's something like happiness, but not? It's kind of like how he's so encouraging, but it's not that either. There's just something about him that seems to light up the world merely being there. I love seeing him with his people. I can feel his love for them with his every word, every movement. Sidon is almost indescribable, or at least my thoughts and feelings for him are.

Everybody was disappointed when he left after lunch, but understood he had work.

Its funny hearing people speak of how great Sidon is. I guess this is something like when Sidon heard tales of Me and Yunobo on Death Mountain.

Sidon was busy so we couldn't look for more history, so Bossa Nova and I played with the children. Before coming back here I almost forget that before traveling with me Bossa Nova would just wander off whenever he pleased, I wonder where he goes. There aren't many bugs around here so the children can't do bug battles like back home, so instead they race frogs. They get sticks, and branches and use these along with mud to make the tracks. Honestly most of the time we were just trying to catch the frogs, we only had one or two races. We also made clay boats for the frogs and sent them down the river. Many of them hopped out right away and just swam, but it was exciting to see when they actually stayed and enjoyed the ride!

I was startled feeling a pressure on my shoulder, but it was just Sidon. He had placed a hand on my shoulder and kneeled down next to me with a few frogs in his arm. Sidon just so brightly smiled at me like when I was helping to collect frogs for a prank. After one last boat trip he reminded us that the sun was setting and that we should get back home.

While the children ran back to town Sidon and I stayed behind. I thought it was because Sidon would cut through the water since getting to the medical bay would be faster that way than making the trek back up through town then down again, but we just sat by the shores for a bit. We didn't talk for a while and just sat there. Then he lightly chuckled and said I'm really good with children again. Then after a moment, he asked me if I'd ever want a child of my own. I never thought about that before. That'd mean surviving facing the Calamity. I've never seriously thought beyond that point before.

What I would do after this. I don't know actually. I like playing with the children, but you have to raise them, and I don't know how to do that. Maybe Kass and his wife could teach me? But I'd also need a wife to have a child. Sidon said I could always adopt. Not every child has a home, and Sidon thought that if I did want a child, any I adopted would be lucky to have me for a father. I asked him if he wanted a child. He told me it wasn't a goal of his, but if he were to have one, or if his future spouse were to want one, he'd happily welcome them into his life. He said he was just wondering because I always seem so happy and carefree with them, he thought that it may not be too far a leap in thought of me wanting one. When I told him I've never thought farther than facing the Calamity, Sidon asked if I thought about where I might live at least. I guess Hateno, but I still haven't thought that far ahead. He said that for now my plans were flexible then. He wanted to know my thoughts on the future because he was wondering if he could have a place in it.

He told me he didn't want to force anything, he wanted me to follow my heart and do what I want after beating the Calamity. He couldn't help but want to see if there was enough room for him somewhere. He told me that it may be scary, but he thought that thinking past the Calamity might do me some good, not a life plan, just a little something like teaching others how to fight, or cooking, maybe continuing to travel, just a little something to look forward too. Whatever I do, I can't imagine him not being a large part of my life, he liked that. Even if I go mad and didn't want him around, it seems we keep meeting one another not after too long anyway. It's a comforting thought.

Bossa Nova wandered back from wherever he disappears to sometimes and bucked us. We just started watching the sunset, and now it was night, and Sidon didn't mean to stay out this late, we should have left with the children, but I guess we both just got stuck in the moment.

Sidon held my uninjured arm the whole long walk back to the medical bay. We just talked and it felt warm.

So a future beyond the Calamity. I've played with the thought, but I only ever seriously thought about beyond it in the sense of me living on and everyone dying. But what about for the time before that if I even live to that point. I guess I have all night to think on it.

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