Entry 204: Tarrey Town

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Calisa is here! And Sidon came to visit in the day this time having informed others of his location, being invited to a wedding and such. Calisa is Rhondson's great aunt! She had offered to officiate the wedding but Rhondson insisted that she just stay a while and relax. She quickly conceded saying she'd actually stick around for a bit.

We got to chat for a bit, I even showed her some of my new weaponry, and Sidon's dagger! I gave her the advice Kass gave me about traveling and we traded tips and tricks we have discovered over time like hitting oar deposits at the right angle getting it to instantly shatter and how to make a very simple shelter with nothing but a tree and dagger. Calisa dragged Sidon into it noticing he was eavesdropping, getting him embarrassed. He had a lot of questions and really enjoyed himself.

I asked her how Rhondson was able to contact her even though she's always traveling. Calisa raised a hawk for Rhondson which when released would seek out Calisa quickly and deliver any letter attached to its leg, then return to Rhondson. At one point that hawk helped with hunting and traveling in general but keeping in contact with her only family was more important. Her old friend and companion made life easier, but she wanted Rhondson to always be able to keep in contact with her whenever and wherever. It was so nice to see that even with time they're still great friends, Redd perched on her arm and letting her give them pets and scratches. She told me I could do the same. It takes a while to train the birds but it's well worth it, it's a win-win, you both help out one another with protection and hunting. Sidon said we had to find one right away and we went searching. We only ever saw hawks in the sky. Calisa told us finding hawks is much harder that just bird watching and running after. She told us meeting a hawk is a bit more random than chasing them. She did however teach us how she taught Redd, treat rewards are used a lot, target practice, and you really need thick gloves with how sharp their talons are. You need to make sure to respect them, not see them as a tool when training or else it won't work. I got to borrow a glove to send Redd into flight or to have him land on it. Admittedly it's a bit nerve-racking. Hawks seem so tiny in the sky but they're really very big! And their talons seem even sharper than Sidon's teeth, and its beak too. Sidon got to try too. Most of the day was spent with Redd and Calisa, learning how to care for Redd and such. We got to go hunting with Calisa and Redd. Redd can see so far and was of great assistance!

With Calisa now here and with more than enough food for everyone the wedding should happen tomorrow. I'm so excited, I've never been to one of these before, or at least as far as I can remember.

And now the sun has set I'm just laying here in bed unable to sleep. What is tomorrow going to be like? A festival, or a party, or is it different? I've never been to any of those. Well I guess the knighting ceremony was a celebration so maybe it will be something like that memory but with lots of food? What will it be like? I'll find out tomorrow and sleeping will make it seem to come sooner, but I can't stop thinking about it!

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