Entry 170: Rito Village

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Even though I can't fly and most of their techniques involves the intricacies of flying and shooting at the same time I've still learned a lot. Teba said we were going to take a break today; he had noticed my arm started acting up yesterday and thought I needed a break. Yesterday he thought I just might not have stretched enough before training but seeing me this morning he thought I might have pulled something and suggested I ask Saki to take a look at it.

I guess I'll have to visit the Domain soon. I'm not even near finished with the medicine I have now. Feels like a waste to have not finished this stuff before getting new medicine, but I was given an excess amount since they didn't know how long I was going to be gone for.

Bossa Nova kept nudging my arm and side, I think he's noticed too. That or he just wants scratches and pets. After getting here he practically had been getting them nonstop from just about everyone. With no one petting him I guess he now wanted me to pet him, and he nudged me less after I pet him. There's also plenty of foliage here. I think Bossa Nova is getting spoiled here. I hope he'll be okay with leaving when I'm done here.

I found Amali calling out for Kheel. She had gone missing and Amali was searching around the whole village. Though things are much safer, the Yiga have been around attacking people.

Teba and I had been using them in training as targets. I understand it's to protect everyone in the village, but... I feel nauseous seeing the bodies pile up.

I offered to search outside the village for Kheel.

She was at Warbler's Nest. She wants to finally have singing practice with her sisters but they refuse to go and she refuses to leave till they join her. I told her that if she had to practice here I or some other warrior should be there. It seems she doesn't know about the Yiga. I thought about explaining the situation to her but I shouldn't scare her, what if she becomes too scared to leave the village even when it is safe. I tried telling her there were other dangerous creatures around like wolves, but she still refused. She didn't need to practice here every day, but it had been so long she at least wanted to sing here just once. I told her that I wanted to hear their singing and didn't want to miss a thing, so I asked her if she'd please come with me to find her sisters so I could hear their recital practice.

First Kheel and I checked back home and found Genli at the cooking pot, she wanted to do some cooking and had sent some of the others to help her collect some missing ingredients while she prepared. She did tell us where she thought some of the others would be at like the store and such.

When we were searching Amali spotted us and was relieved to see us back safely. She told Kheel it was still too dangerous to be out. I explained I'd be there to look after them, but Amali wasn't happy. Apparently Teba had told her we were taking a break and told me I was to be resting, not fighting still. I explained the situation with my arm but that only got her to say that was even more reason to rest. She then sighed, saying I am an adult who could make choices for himself but she highly recommended that I return to the zora before my infections get worse and become more permanent, maybe even stay with them till I'm fully healed since all the Divine Beasts had been appeased now.

Even if I'm still fighting, for me, just staying here is a rest. Amali paused for a moment then so softly told me that whenever I needed a break I could always come back here. She then told me to go back to playing with my sisters as Kheel seemed to be getting impatient. She then got flustered noticing what she had said and apologized. In a lot of ways I am rather similar to Kass and with how I'm always with her daughters, playing with them and such whenever I returned from training with Teba I was like a big brother to them. Kass had spoken much of me before Amali and I had actually met, and the tales were so accurate, she felt like she had known me for much longer than we actually had, so in a way I felt somewhat like her own child as odd as it may sound. Especially with how Kass spoke of me in a similar way he had of their daughters.

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