Entry 106: Gerudo Town

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Watching the sunrise, huddled against Kass' warm feathers waiting for him to awaken it was... I felt a bit hollow knowing that we'd be separating so, I don't know, suddenly perhaps? I don't know, it just felt strange. Or maybe it's because, Hylia forbid, if something did happen to Sidon, we just waited to check up on him, but I know that Kass needs rest and it just-

I just hope that Sidon, Kass and the women are alright.

After Kass left me at the Highland base I watched him as he sped away. I don't believe I've ever seen anything dash by as quickly. Not even a lightning bolt.

After changing back into my Gerudo clothes I made my way across the desert, making sure I stayed in the shade as much as possible. Thankfully there were some ruins near where Kass had left me.

I spotted the guy running around again. He quickly spotted me and waved, yelling the Gerudo greeting over the wind. He even started running towards me saving me from having to wade through more sand. He was glad to see me safe, saying that he was worried about me running straight for those frigid peaks. Guiltily he said he had to come clean. He said that the eighth heroine is just a legend, that it doesn't exist. He admitted that he just wanted an excuse to get close. I guess it's nice that he came clean, but I feel so uncomfortable around him. He felt guilty for putting me in harm's way, but he shouldn't have tried starting a relationship under false pretenses! He kept going on saying something about protecting me, but I cut him off by showing him the heroine on the slate. I had to get closer to show it to him. Then he started saying something about me consoling him, but I held the slate up to his face. He was ecstatic then started speaking about 'us' again and I asked for the sand boots. He settled down and gave me what I wanted but he said that I had to give him the snow boots back since I was just borrowing them. Since I didn't have much use for it, I presented him with the three hundred Rupees I got before and reluctantly he accepted.

Back in town I went straight to Bossa Nova. He, Riju, and her Sand Seal Patricia were all playing together. It seemed Riju pampered him. I'm glad, I'm sure like Sidon he's not used to this heat or dryness, so he deserves it!

Patricia is an oracle, give her fruit and she'll dispense words of wisdom, but someone has to translate for her. The Chief translated. Patricia said that by staying in town for one more day I'd find my next goal for my quest.

Now that I was back Riju insisted I take some classes with her. It was also something to do while my next goal showed up. It was all really fun!

In the cooking classes everything was rather tall for both of us. Some kind women read the cookbooks on the high shelves for us. The teacher emphasized the point that the way to anyone's heart was through their stomach. I'm... not sure what that means. So, the heart and stomach are connected? Your heart can get hungry? It's a bit confusing.

We also took a class called Voe and You. It was mostly about interacting with other people and social skills, though one of the students seemed to think the answer to everything was committing crimes. We role played some of the scenarios like how to react when meeting an injured person.

What I found most interesting though was this lake. It's located in a forest east of Gerudo desert in the Faron region. Supposedly there's a massive forest there and at the lake you can meet your one true love... Maybe the Master Sword is there. This could be what Patricia predicted! And so, I told Riju what I thought and that I should get going tomorrow. Though a little disappointed she completely understood and for the rest of the day we kept cooking, making sure I had enough supplies for my journey.

Riju knew I would have to leave with the sun setting but she reminded me of the promise I made to teach her the ways of the sword and bow and said for me to not keep her waiting too long if possible.

Will I be able to keep that promise? Is it one I should take up before I face the Calamity or after? I almost died last time, and that was when we were all prepared before it made a move before we could. Will this be enough? Will I even survive? I just don't know. But I can't fail. If I do everyone will die!

When I first set out, I was doing this because I was told to, but now, there are so many people I care for and need to protect, I have to keep living for them. No matter what it takes I will save them all.

It's time to go now.

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