Dreambur- sub to Technoblade part 2

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Trying to get back to the schedule

"Please. Really! I would get so many primes and-"
"No Tommy!"
"But you also streamed with Techno! That's not fair! You only have to sit nex-"
"Fine! You are such a mean bitch having his period bitching around and-"
The door is slammed into Tommy's face.
Wilbur sighs. Finally peace. With a thub he lets himself fall on the bed starring up at the ceiling. After streaming for Techno, Techno watched him closely. Especially what he is watching.
One time Wilbur even decided to watch a video from Dream. Within a few seconds Techno took his phone and deleted youtube from it. His words were:
"Focus more on school"
Sure. Like Techno does.
Wilbur sighs. In the end he is kinda grateful that Techno deleted youtube. Finally he has nothing to distract him from playing on his new guitar.
Right. Guitar.
He hasn't played it today so now since he has time is a good time to play.

A soft knock on his door. His father is standing outside.
"You can come in"
The door opens and closes, his father standing there with a pleading look.
"Can you please stream with Tommy? He is really hurt that you streamed with Techno and doesn't want with him. I- I think he really wants to spend a bit time with you."
Wilbur sighs.
"Fine tell him I can join his stream today if he isn't busy."
"Thank you. I can make your favorite dish for dinner if you want"
Wilburs eyes light up.
"Would be great dad!"
"Alright. Guess you were busy with playing. Keep up the hard work."
And with that his father leaves again closing the door on his way out.

"Hey guys! As you can see my brother Wilbur is with me!"
Tommy is clearly nervous. He can't sit without moving out of hype. Wilbur smiles politely into the camera and waves.
"Hey Tommy's stream"
"And we will play today Among us. Wil will play with me as team. Though I think when he gets a hang to it, I will sit in the background and watch."
"Oh I know how to play it!"
"How?! The only thing you do is sitting in your room and playing guitar or listening to Hamilton!"
"Oh! Don't act like that's what my life is made out!"
"It is! Old man! Bet you don't even know how to turn a Pc on!"
"Oh you little gremlin!"
They start bickering.
"Guys? We are waiting?"
Niki joins their channel.
"Oh right! Hi Niki!"
"Hello Niki! I'm Wilbur. Can you tell Tommy that he is a gremlin child?"
A soft giggle interrupts from the other side.
"I'm not!"
"Yes you are! Ask Techno!"
While bickering they finally join the round and the discord.
"You are just old!"
"Oh at least I am not a child like you!"
"Hello lover boy."
As soon as Wilbur hears Schlatt he turns away from Tommy looking at the screen.
"Schlatt! How are you?"
"Good. Already in a fight again?"
" 'Sup nerds"
"Oh finally everyone is here. Let's start the round"

"What does crewmate means?"
"You only run around and do your tasks while not trying to die and at the same time try to figure out who is the impostor."
"Oh. Sounds boring. And the impostor is that one who kills everyone?"
"Yea you got it Big man!"
"Easy game and- Nooooooooo-"
Tommy laughs. Schlatt just killed Wilbur.
"I thought we were friends."
"Now you have to stay muted till someone won."
"Oh that game is boring!"
Tommy laughs more and watches the stream chat.
"Who killed Wilbur?!"
Dreams voice rings through the headphones. Someone finally found Wilburs body and reported it. To Wilburs surprise also TUBBO is dead.
"Where was the body?"
"In ca-......"
Wilbur blends the rest out when he discovers the chat. Soon he has a discussion about anteaters.

The next rounds went by. Not once getting impostor Wilbur slowly grows annoyed. That he is killed the most times also was a problem in his eyes. Especially since it was always in the beginning.
So while being dead again and already finish with every tasks he decides to spam the death chat.

Hello. Death people.

What is lover boy

I'm getting killed over and over again :(

Next round I will protect you!

You would? (・o・)


(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )♡


Stop flirting with my brother Dream.

Wilbur giggles and ruffles his hair.
"Stop flirting with big D."
"I don't! He just said he would-"
"Yea whatever."

Like the other rounds before Wilbur gets Crewmate. Nothing special except that Dream and Wilbur stick around the entire time.
"Dead body in Electrical!"
Tubbo reports.
"Five seconds...." A bit ruffling from Technos side then:
"Dream! Stop following my brother. I protect him. You are not needed."
"But Techno he is nice and don't you have to do your tas-"
"Sorry Dream but I will walk with Techno."
"We can walk together"
Dream suggests earning happy shouts from Wilbur who is pleading for Technos yes. 
"Ok but still dead body in Electrical."
"I have seen Schlatt and Sapnap there."
"Sapnap was with me!"
"Could be a ve-"

So in the end they end up running around as three people group. Techno always stands in between Dream and Wilbur no matter what they do. The only times they get interrupted is when a meeting is called in.

"No I'm not!"
Dream screams.
"Then let's vote Niki out."
Wilbur shrugs and votes just like the other.
Niki was ejected.
Three are left.
Techno, Wilbur and Dream.
"One of them is impostor."
Tommy shifts next to him.
"I don't know. Maybe we should call a mee-"
Dream moves to Wilbur, Techno moves fast and Dream suddenly kills Techno.

You lost.

"Dream you were the entire  rou-"
"I thought it's Geo-"
"New round!"
And they do. And an other and an other. Till:
"Yes finally!"
Wilbur cheers loudly. Impostor. Finally.
With Techno. Even Tommy is hyped and cheers.
That's going to be a fun round.

"Wilbur killed Dream! Wilbur killed Dream!"
Karl screams into his mic.
"Why should I kill Dream?! You just killed him! He was protecting me because of you! Or else I would be dead."
"I mean. Wilbur is not wrong. Dream protects him the entire time."
"Yea true."
"It could also be a vent kill. We didn't saw it. Only Karl running in the room."
Tommy chirps in.
"I still vote for Karl."
Techno comments.
"Same for us. He is kinda sus."

Karl was ejected.

"Gotta go. Bye."
For a bit silence dominates the call.
"Hey Will? Wanna play on the Smp?"
"That's still my stream!"
Both ignoring Tommy.
"Wilby! Can we build a tower?"
"Mmm fine."
"I will help."
Techno joins the call.
"I can also!"
Dream speaks fast ramblings a bit.
"Then go and get  cobble!"
Demands Techno.
"No... I think we shou-"
"Na Dream is fine with it."
Tommy interrupts Wilbur knowing that Techno isn't really into Dream and Wilbur speaking.
"Hey Techno. Wanna talk with you. Just a few seconds."
"Later Tomm-"
Wilbur is left alone with Dream.
"Why is the chat spaming google Dreambur-?"
"Oh that's. Ehrm... Not-"
"Oh that are books? Wait fanfiction... Doesn't that is that with ships and stuff?"
"Yes but don't re-"
"That ship is us! What is that for a... Hidden Angel by Kyle_Loves_Dttwt sounds interesting."
"Don't read-"
"What did we miss?"
"Techno!!!!! Wilbur fanfiction- Dreambur-"
"What did you do Dream?! What did you told my brother to sea-"
"I- Techno it's fine. Found it on my own."
"Stop defending him! He-! Tommy end stream!"
"Bye guys!"
With that the stream ends.
"Wilbur- get to my room. Now. Tommy close the tab."
Wilbur stands up and slowly makes his way to Technos room. Thanks to the a bit of way Techno has enough time to threaten Dream.
"If you talk again with Wilbur, I will slice your throat. Leave my brother alone."
Both brothers disconnect leaving Dream alone.

"Wil.... Please... Promise me that you don't speak with Dream again. Really... Don't please. We love you..."
Techno and Tommy hug Wilbur trying to make sure that their brother won't get hurt or dragged into their world. Especially because of the shippers who ship Dreams with others and doesn't accept other ships or people around Dream. But at the same time also because of Dream. The boy is rising way to fast getting money in big amounts... They don't want to get Wilbur hurt by him or anything. Money can make people do bad things. And they don't know Dream for a long time. Just safety. Safety first.

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