Feret- Balance

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Requested by: AuraWasNeverHere thx dude a lot.
Sry for letting u wait. School sucks.
Funfact: I can tell you that if u did balett u fucking can walk in this

The day started boring and now it is still boring. Eret went a few hours ago to university.
Fundy doesn't remember how long his boyfriend will be away, but he knew that it will be to long. Way to long.
His eyes fly around the room.
Out of boredom he started to clean. Finally he reached the last room. Erets record room. It is actually clean but still he decided to do something. Maybe put a bit to the side.
So he started moving the things around.
It took him a bit and while moving he found the heels and the strawberry dress.
Still bored he gets an idea.
Maybe he could.... Fast he runs back into their bedroom and changes.
Putting on a dress was surprisingly easy. No troubles at all. Though it was a bit big.
The heels were harder.
He couldn't understand how his boyfriend can walk in them.
He twisted a few times while walking to the mirror his foot and slowly he started to regret his idea. Pushing all his thoughts away he looks into the mirror.
It was clear to see that this weren't his clothes and soon he realized that putting bigger female clothes from his boyfriend on wasn't the same like the male clothes.
"Fundy! I'm back"
His eyes grow wide.
Eret. Back. Soon. To soon.
Fast he turns around and-
Loses his balance.
With a thumb he falls down on the floor.
His boyfriend rushes worried in.
"Is everyth- Fundy?"
Eret laughs.
"Stop laughing and help me up"
Grumbles the smaller. The brits eyes fly to the legs and see what exactly the problem was.
"Troubles with walking ?"
"How can you walk in that!?"
Just to show what he means he stretches his leg and mentions to the heels.
"Balance. Come on. I'll show you...."
Finally Fundy is up from the floor. With trouble he gets to their bed and sits down.
Eret smiles down at him.
"Here... You have to...."

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