Dreambur- Don't Tell anyone

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A request from: MaikoHanamiLiar
Thx dude btw.(2053 words. Pog)

After the war the Dream Smp and L'Manburg started living again together. There were a few doubts left but everyone tried to ignore them.
So it happened after a while that both leader met accidentally while gathering wood and food in the forest.
First they both were suspicious. I mean there is plenty of food and wood in both nations, aren't there?
But after a while they enjoyed the company. Both started helping each other and when the night set they went back together.
While Dream got everything he wanted, was Wilbur missing a few logs of wood.
Somehow they decided that they will gather that wood together on the next day.
So they went separated ways on the wooden path.

The next morning was a sunny one. The birds sung and the wind blew through Wilbur's hair making it dance.
Dream was glad that he has a mask.
While walking around with his former enemy he was able to steal a few glances.
Wilbur didn't really noticed and sung the most time songs he remembered from somewhere.
To his surprise the masked man also asked him if he could sing a few of his favorite songs.
The day went by quick and soon they went separated ways again on the wooden path. This time without an appointment for the next day.
Neither of them wanted to ask the other if they could meet up again, it would be strange to ask the other leader of the country you had a war with to go out on a... Date (?), Wouldn't it be?
So they went separated ways.

The next morning both of them were busy with office work. While Dream stood early up to finish it fast, stood Wilbur late up and worked into the morning of the next day.

On the next day they both woke up around 8 am. Dream because he had enough sleep, Wilbur because Tommy woke him up with a scream.
Will was busy finishing documents when suddenly a stone crashed against his window. He narrows an eyebrow and watches the next stone crashing against it.
With a smooth motion he stood up and opens the window.
His eyes scanned first the floor then the trees.
Directly across his window in a tree a masked man sat and watched him. Still holding stones in his hands.
"Do you have time?"
Wilbur looks back on his desk.
Piles of paperwork are towering on it not finished, yet.
He can't see the smile that appears on the blondes face. Neither can he see his own small blush on his cheeks.
"I have found a nice place in the woods... Wanna go there? I have food and stuff with me."
"Give me a bit."
With that the Brit closes his window and hurries around to gather at least a few things he wants to take with him.
An excited feeling rises in both chests.
Both not entirely sure why or how but they do know it's not bad. Probably something left from the war. Suspicion probably.
The front door slams open and is shut right after a brown haired boy leaves it.
A small thumb says him that the blonde came down from his tree and then they start walking together into the deep forrest.

They have walked for a while. At least 2 hours. None of them minded.
While walking they talked and bickered around sharing bread and laughing at stupid jokes from the other.
They had their fun.
Wilbur's eyes grow wide as he sees the clearing in the forest.
It is a pretty one. An old tree just lying on the ground next to a waterfall with a small river. A bit fog fogging around. The birds singing louder but also more with joy.
It was an amazing place.
"Whoa! How?"
"Searched for a mushroom biome..."
"It... It's amazing! That's... I.... Thank you!"
Wilbur turns around and wraps his arms around the other. Pressing his lips softly on the American's cheek to just  point out how grateful he is.
While doing that he somehow slips the mask a bit up. Right as he realizes it he let go of Dream.
"It's fine and actually..."
The blonde removes his mask.
Wilbur can't help but stare at the beautiful man in front of him.
"Take a picture."
"Oh shut up"
He punches him playfully. Dream laughs and starts chasing him.
Soon they start playing their own vision of chase.

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