Wilbur- no presents part 3

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If I don't update tomorrow the book. You can kill me guys. I own you something.

Fuck it. The painting has to work somehow.
Thanks to the pandemic the plan going to church was cancelled. In the end they just decided a small walk would be fine.
Right before they left the house all of them put the presents under the tree.
Wilbur went into his room and wanted to get the painting....
Fast he hurries into the community recording room. He completely forgot to wrap the present.
Without thinking twice he wraps it in and-
Runs out of wrapping paper.
In the end they had two rolls of wrap paper lesser.
Not caring about anything else brings Wilbur the present down and puts it under the tree.
The others are already waiting for him. They are already used to him coming to late to... Everything.
As soon as he walks out they start talking.

Wilbur is bored. Going with the others out for a walk isn't bad. Just... They are boring as hell. His eyes scan the surrounding and sometimes he stops.
Only Fundy notices but doesn't say anything and talks with Niki. Occasionally Wilbur catches up with them or humming a melody. To cut it short it's really boring.

"No. First food, then you can unwrap them!"
"That's boring."
"But I'm starving."
"No one cares dude"
"I want my presents!"
"What about we vote?"
Everyone quiets down and looks at Tubbo who takes a step back.
"Just saying"
"Yea let's vote"
The others nod in agreement and the voting starts.

First unwrapping then food.
That is the result.
Wilbur doesn't care. His eyes are nervously twitching between his present and the stacks of other's present.
He fucked up. Badly.

"-whos that?"
"For you all... It's ehrm-"
Tommy already unwraps it and screams.
"Dude that's freaking cool!"
Everyone else agrees and looks at the somehow star wars alike looking painting.
"Thanks... I still have someth-"
The others already stopped listening and concentrate back on their presents.
Wilbur does the same and starts with his.
Hamilton stuff, books, new headphones are already unwrapped.
A big present left.
Carefully he unwraps it and his eyes start glowing as soon as he sees what it is.
A new guitar case....!
He narrows an eyebrow and opens it carefully. In it is a accustic guitar. The colour is red and it has a few details but not to many. It's a fancy one.
Wilbur smiles like a mad man and sits down.
Carefully lifting the guitar up and then ...

"Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be
When I was a kid on VoIP
I thought when I get older
I'd marry her, I told her
Now I'm 26, and I work in an office
Nine 'til five's not the best, I'll be honest
If I could change a single thing
I'd make it me and not him-"

Everyone in the room turns around and starts singing.

As soon as he ends the room is full of clapping noise.
"Like the guitar?"
"Yea! Love it where do you guys have it from?"
"The shop you always wanted to go to!"
Wilbur smiles and puts the guitar back into it's bag.
"Well. I'm hungry now..."
Sapnap says and hurries into the kitchen.
"I'm making the food! We don't want anyone to get a good poisoning!"
Niki jumps onto her feets and follows the Texan man.

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