Feret- Let's clean

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Requested by Gaicya thank you and everyone... Check their stories out.

It had been a while since the war ended. Everyone came along fine. Even the traitor of L'Manburg came along with them again.
The flowers grow just like before and at this time of the year was just sunny weather.
That's why everyone took the opportunity to work or meet up with each other.
Since it has been a while since the last big clean mission was in Erets castle, he and Fundy decided that it was time again.
So they both made their way to the castle not aware of two shadows following them...

Wilbur noticed even before war that something changed. Fundy acted different around Eret. His eyes sparkled different when he looked at Eret. His behavior, his ears... He was different around the Brit.
Nearly everytime they spoke over it the dutch man was telling Wilbur that he was seeing things. It's stupid, he said.
Probably he was right. That's why Wilbur forgot about his thoughts.
But they came back. The war was going on and Fundy was nearly every day, every night with Eret. Looking after him, helping him gather things even building the wall.
And Eret had to look after the fox.
Fundy wasn't taking care of himself.
Sometimes forgetting to drink or sleep or eat.
Sometimes running around with ripped and dirty clothes.
His eyes were glued on Eret.
Then came the battle.
And Erets betray.
Wilbur believes that if he would has been able to look the entire time into Fundys eyes, he would has been able to see how the foxes heart broke. The tail was between the foxes legs, the ears hanging and the eyes fixed on the floor.
After everything he was betrayed by his crush.
It took time to recover. Wilbur was a good dad being around his son just talking if he wanted to. But Fundy didn't really wanted to talk. He hugged his father for hours crying himself to sleep.
But not talking.
Wilbur knew how it was to be left.
He knew what pain Fundy was going through. But he hoped that Fundy was getting over it.

And the fox got... In a way over it.
The hugging became lesser and also the crying. He left his home to go out and enjoy everything.
And then ... One evening he came back home carrying a basket full of berries and a silver necklace hanging around his neck.
Wilbur asked him were he has it from.
His simple answer was Eret.
He said it with a smile.
The first smile for weeks.

They both started to hang out together more and more... And then asked him if they don't want to clean up the castle.
Fundy, glad to do something with his boyfriend said yes.
So they wandered down the path...
But Wilbur heard them talk and decided to follow. He wouldn't be able to see his son again heartbroken by this man.
He couldn't.
With him came Niki. Niki was also there for the fox when he was heartbroken. She was glad that they came back together as friends and she didn't felt right with following them. But she also didn't wanted Wilbur go alone since he can be sensitive to the topic:
'his son'.
So they both were following the friends like shadows.

"Are you still living alone?"
"Are still rooms free? Can I sleep then at your place? Please. Pleassssse."
"Sure why not?"
"Yes and and can can I decorate one of the free rooms?"
"Do what you want Fungs."
Erets lips escape a laugh.
The tail of the fox is wagging in excitement his eyes glowing and glued on the boy next to him.
He starts rambling something and then asks if he can have the materials he will need from Eret.
The Brit agrees with a smile. Happy to see his friend that happy and glad that some live comes into his home.

Wilbur narrows his eyes. He doesn't really know how to... React to this. He can't really tell whether Fundy is just a friend or something more... Or nothing to the other Brit.
He also betrayed L'Manburg, didn't he?
Why shouldn't he do the same to the adorable fox?
Wil didn't really liked the relation between them. He was Fundys father and doesn't want his sons heart broken again.

They all four enter the castle. Will and Niki hiding somewhere behind a pillar to not get caught.

"So where do we start, Eret?"
"Ehm... I guess at the thorne would be easier I think."
With that they walk to it and start with their mission....
"We won't finish that in one day... Your castle  is too big! Why do you need such a big castle if you live alone here?"
Eret shrugs.
"It's so much work"
Complains Fundy again.
"Did you just took something from my throne?"
The brits voice goes low. A shiver runs through the foxes body.
"N- no?"
His voice goes high. Signaling Eret that he did.
"Oh is that so? And why is...."
He grabs Fundys hand and opens it carefully with force so he can see the diamond Fundy stole.
"....in your hand?"
"Because.... I dont know man... I think your throne is falling apart."
"You know that lying is bad... Right?"
Again the deep voice. Fundys body reacts and goes into a submissive position.
"What a bad boy.... Lying to me.... Looks like you need a punishment..."

Wilbur heard everything and saw it. He wants to jump forward and punch Eret right into his face.
He would. If Niki wouldn't have covered his mouth and held him back.

"Come on be a good boy and give me a kiss.... As reparation."
The fox stops his brain and kisses his crush.
The kiss is returned.
Somewhere in the background two shocked Europeans stumble out of the castle deciding to not watch a make out session.

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