Feret- (idk help just watching tommys stream)

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Thank you for requesting @34bugs tried my best. PS. Part 2 out now

Eret watched the video.

When it was finally over he just sat there starring on his screen.

Dream and Fundy. Movie date.

Jealousy. Hurt. But mostly jealousy.

He watched the video. Though he knew that it will hurt.

Did he do something wrong?

He probably waited to long. He should have asked Fundy sooner.

How Fundy was excited about the date. How long he worked telling Eret he was busy and cant play with him. The dutch stopped answering the message Eret sent. Probably he never actually read them.

The brit gulps.

Maybe everything was for the video. That is the reason! Isnt it?

It could be.

He tried to calm himself. It didnt worked. The jealousy still burning inside.

A few days pass and nearly everything was alright again. Fundy and Eret joking in their streams just having fun with a friend.

Then Dream joined the Smp.

ItsFundy: Hi Dream<3

A heart. A fucking heart. He never got a heart from Fundy.

Dream: Hi <3

Eret gets quiet. His eyes rereading the message over and over again.

"Hey would you mind if Dream joins?"

"Huh? Oh yea its fine with me"


ItsFundy: Wanna join?

Dream: Sure

And five seconds later Dream joins.




While Eret just listens to their conversation the jealousy rises more and more.

How they talk. What they know about each other. How Dreams sister is Personal things he never talked about with Fundy.

His eyes water. He holds back a sob.

"HEy guys I gotta go."

"oh... well cya!"


And the Brit leaves.

As soon as he left the call he starts to cry.

Stupid Dream. Stupid Fundy. Stupid him.

The jealousy stays.

He pulls his Twitter out. Its covered in fanarts from Dream and Fundy. Kissing.

Dream and Fundy with children.

Just Dream and Fundy.

No Eret and Fundy...

His heart breaks.

@The_Eret Guys something came up. Cant stream for a while

He hates hating to them. But he cant say more.

After he closes Twitter the jealousy hits him harder he shuts his PC down.

He needs time for himself.

Mcyt- Oneshots (at least thats what is planned)Where stories live. Discover now