SBI- Beach

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Two updates coz why not.
Follow @palu_12wp on Twitter for information and ways to decide what will happen in some stories :)

"Boys! Get ready! We are going today to the beach!"
"Bitch!" Screams Tommy enthusiastic.
"Beach! B E A C H!" Corrects Phil.
Techno just frowns. Way to much social interaction there. And way to many people. He slowly pushes himself up from bed and walks to the stairs. Tommy runs them down screaming something about Tubbo and joining.
The door next to Techno opens and reveals Wilbur. His brother looks like he hasn't slept for years and also his hear is just a mess. The shirt is buttoned wrong and to top everything... He only stares on his phone busy texting with someone.
"Techno! Wilbur!"
"Coming dad!"
Techno answers his father who has his hands full with handling Tommy.
When they finally all arrive at the car a small fight starts.
"These two nerds sit in the back dad."
"What no! I want to choose the music!"
Wilbur tenses up.
"And I want to talk to dad, so I sit in the front"
Pipes Tommy in.
Phil only sighs.
"Wilbur left side backseat, Tommy middle back seat, Techno right side back seat. No discussion!"
While Tommy looks happy, he has his two brothers to talk, the other look like they were just told that they will die. Both exchanging glances. Wilbur pulling headphones out plugging them in and getting into his seat. Soon the entire car is filled with music and Tommy's endless talking. Phil does actually enjoy a more quiet ride then usual. Today is Tommy busy with talking to Techno so he didn't even asked every 2 minutes when they arrive. Techno just stares out of the window occasionally humming in agreement or saying things like: Oh no! What? Serious?
Not really paying attention to Tommy.
Wilbur is again busy with texting the mysterious person and giggles sometimes. Even one time he blushes over a message.

"Boys! We are there!"
Tommy's endless talk comes to an end suddenly and he gets ready to run to the beach when he is finally out of the car. Techno already knowing what comes gets ready to jump out of it as fast as possible if Tommy decides to leave it through his side. His blushing brother hasn't realized yet that he should probably put his phone away before Tommy starts his running.
Techno reacts fast and jumps out of the car right behind him Tommy speeding to the beach. He hears his father laughing from behind. An angry mumbling Wilbur exits the car now too. Tommy hit indeed his phone on the ground.
"Wilbur. You will watch Tommy. Techno... You... Do whatever you do and step in when your brothers are about to kill each other. And please really step in and don't encourage them to fight."
The oldest of the sons shrugs and follows the complaining Wilbur.
Their father laughs and locks the car.

"Wilbur! Give me your phone!"
"You are supposed to watch Tommy and all you do is writing with someone over your phone the entire time! Give it now!"
"Wilbur Soot! An other but and I will take your things away!"
"Listen to my point of view dad! I am finally socializing like you always wanted me to-"
"I want Techno to socialize. That you do it without problems is already known. And give me your phone now. Or I will take it away for more then three days."
"You agreed back."
Wilbur sighs and overthinks his situation. Giving up in the end and handing over his phone. His father just ruffles his hair and stands up to get a few snacks.
"And remember watch Tommy."
With that he leaves the three brothers alone.
"So... What's so important to not leave your phones side?"
Wilbur huffs and stands up. Ignoring the question he joins Tommy at the water.

It takes hours for Tommy to finally be exhausted. They all sit next to each other in the sand and just enjoy the moment...
"Ah oui oui mom ami je m'appelle La-"
Wilburs phone rings. All heads turn to it and see the caller ID.
Wilbur tenses up. Phil notices that and accepts the call and turns speaker on....
"Wilbur? Are you okay?"
An unfamiliar voice rings through the air.

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