Dreambur- (gonna fail french.)

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Im gonna write till you all cry. I will fail my french class.

Wilbur sat there. How long? He doesnt know. He doesnt care.

He feels cold. Empty. Alone.

The other are celebrating. He doesnt want to.

Dream? Where is he?

He needs Dream. His hands reaching out trying to grab something, to get a hold. They grab air. Nothing. No Dream.

Where did they go wrong?

Hell maybe he shouldnt have decided to rebel. Maybe he should have gone to Dream... Wasnt that what the other told him?

His pride was in his way. Now he is in the mess. Created by himself.

What does life mean? Nothing.

Nothing anymore.

His eyes focus on something. Its far away. Fire!

Oh right. He is the reason why its burning. Should he go there?

Maybe he was wrong? Maybe it isnt over, yet?

Wilbur knows that this is just his hope. Not reality. But still he goes. Back to Manberg.

The entire place is nothing. Huge holes where the Tnt exploded. Not more or less. Somewhere a bit wood is burning, slowly turning into ashes. Like his lover did.

His lover and enemy.

He looks around.

Somewhere between the ashes and broken buildings, a white mask smiles at him. Wilbur goes there and kneels down taken the mask into his hand.

Its cold. Blood is in the inside, in the blood dust and dirt. A few cracks are on the sides.

His eyes scan the place where it took place. Searching for him.

But he cant find him.

Wilbur sighs. The grave will be empty A bitter taste is in his mouth.

He slowly reaches into his shirt, pulling out a necklace and on that is

"Wilbur!" The green eyed blonde male laughs and runs to him. Wilbur smiles and hugs the smaller. A kiss is placed on his lips and they both just look into their eyes.

"Tommy told me, you wanted to see me..."

"Oh yea I do... Come on."

He gently grabs the others wrist and guides him away. They run through the forest, passing unimportant landmarks. Wilbur continues and goes over an old bridge with Dream to a small place near the water.

A blanket is on the ground. On it a basket with food.

Dreams eyes grow wide.


"Only for you"

A kiss. Then they sit down to eat..

"Dream? I...." Wilbur gets nervous. "I... wanted to ask I.... Can understand if its too fast...."

He takes a deep breathe.

"Do you want to marry me?"

. a ring. A golden one. On top of the ring is a beautiful emerald.

He smiles.

"Im sorry."

Wilbur cant understand Dream. How? How can he decide the side from his enemy over the side of his boyfriend.

"So was it all just a lie?! Did you planned this?!"

"I- Never would li-"

"Shut your mouth Dream! Stop telling me sweet lies! How many did you told me the entire time?! Do you even have the ring?"

Wilbur doesnt let Dream speak and turns around.


A hand is placed on his shoulder. Wilbur turns around and roughly pushes Dream away from him.

"I... Stop it! Stop acting like it was serious! I get it! It was just a funny act! Hahaha! Stupid Wilbur fell for it! Now leave me alone!"

And there is the remind. It was all just a game. A funny one. Not for him but for Dream.

He was just a game. A toy.

He is glad that Dream is dead.

He got what he deserved.

Doesnt he?

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