Platonic Tubbo Tommy- Bakery

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Written after a real story. (Aka my friend and me destroying my parents kitchen.)

Tommy and Tubbo decided to make a sleepover. They decided within minutes what they wanted to do the entire day. And one of the big points was baking. Baking a cake. A normal chocolate cake was planned. Though they really had no idea how to make one.

The chaos already started when they arrived at Nikis bakery. Since no one of them had a kitchen they decided to ask Niki for her permission to use it. So when they arrived it already looked like a mess.

"What happend here?"

"Fundy and Eret... So I will leave my bakery to your hands. just please dont try to burn it down... Im coming back around 9 pm."

With that she left.

The friends gulped and exchanged a glance. The only rule Ahhh nevermind. They wont burn it down, they are not that stupid. So they started.

Without having a recipe.

"No Tommy! My mother always uses 6 eggs!"

"But my dad uses 8!"

"Wait. so what about 7?"

"7 per floor?"

"That means. 89!"

"Wait I fought 7 x 3= 64"

"Oh shut up! Im in the right!"


Tubbo shrugs and gets the eggs.

"We only have. one two three four.. 24!"

"Well guess we have to use 24 then!"



"Do you know how to crack eggs?"

Tommy and Tubbo stares at the eggs. Then Tommy grabs one and tries to crack it. By accident he smashes it way to hard against the counter. The egg drips done on the floor.

"Well Now we have 23."

In the end they somehow managed to smash 5 eggs on the floor and the other found their way into the bowl. Though they now had the next problem. Sugar, butter, flour and milk. How much do they have to put in there?

"Well... what about. we..."

Tubbo tries to think logical but before he can continue his sentence Tommy just rips a sugar pack open and empties it into the bowl with eggs.

"You sure we need that much?"

"Yes and now we have to put the double amont of flour in it!"

And there goes to packs flour. A few sips of milk and...

They realised they forgot the most important thing.


They scream together and hurry to the chocolate bars.

"The chocolate has to be liquid."

Tubbo says. Tommy nods as agreement and gets a bowl.

Together they break the bars of chocolate and fill the bowl till the chocolate forms a small pile in the middle.

"So... it will melt? Microwave?"

And with that they put it into the microwave. Instead of watching they turn around and continue mixing the dough. Completely focused on it they dont realise the smoke and burnt smell in the air.

Then suddenly a loud bang is heard from behind.

Where the microwave was is now a black spot. Around the place lay a few broken pieces. They gulp.

"Niki will kill use."

Tubbo nods.

"Well... I guess we cant have a chocolate cake then."

Again a nod, this time from Tommy.

They both shrug and decide to deal with it later. Filling the dough into the cake forms. Glad they finished it they put it into the oven.

"Well... what are we doing with that?"

"Throw it away?"

"What about. into the community house? No one will figure it out!"

Tommy agrees. No one will know it.

So with that they grab the exploded microwave and bring it to the community house, leave it there and run back so no one catches them.

When they arrive the cake is already getting dark.

"At least its not raw."

Comments Tubbo.

They decide to make an easy decoration for the cake. Frosting. You just need a bit sugar and water and et voila you have the cover for your cake. And they cant mess up.

In the end they did mess up. They somehow made more then they needed and the bigger problem it was way to liquid. It literally ran down the cake on the desk, on the floor. And then it dried Tommy and Tubbo first thought they can eat it, but gave up after eating at least two liter. Fuck their stomach hurt.

But hey at least they made a cake!

Which was on the outside like a cake should be. just raw in the inside.

Man they wont bake again. Never ever again.

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