Feret- Why do you like me

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Sorry. Gonna update today more because I forgot yesterday... Btw. School starts tomorrow again and I think I will publish one or two a day? But not like 8 a day like.... This week. Hope you are fine with it.
Oh and this was requested by.... AuraWasNeverHere thx dude. Appreciate u

Out of boredom Fundy tweeted. His boyfriend was right now busy with university so he was kinda alone and there was nothing he could do at the moment. At least nothing came to his mind.
With that he decided to tweet.

@ FundyLive
Thinking about Monday.

Now you have to know that Monday Fundy and his boyfriend wants to take a day off.
Everyone knows that already so it wasnt a big mystic.
With a smile he watched how the likes went up and also the comments. Careless he scrolled through them and answered one or two. They were all pretty nice till the first mean ones came.

Damn. If I would be Eret I would try to kill myself if I would go on a date with that.

Just watching how while Eret works hard for his future, Fundy comes and ask him if they can take a day off and they do.... Fundy will destroy Erets future with taking him away from university

Can we just talk about the stupid white hair strips? How ugly they are?

Bruh that hair in the public... He should cover it up with a beanie or something like that.

Real talk: Fundy = ugly.
    Yes I agree dude. Poor Eret. Good
    Charakter but ugly look.

He read through them all. And the more be reads, the more he agrees with them. His eyes land on himself in the mirror and they see what they mean.
White spots in the hair. His face. The eyes. The shape of his face. His stupid smile.....
He is just ugly.
And he starts questioning why Eret likes him.

No answer. The brit walks into their bedroom. There on the bed is the other.
"Fundy? Is something wrong?"
Again no answer.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"How... Why do you like me?"
"I'm ugly. I have white spots and my eyes and I'm taking you away from your studying and-"
"Where do you have this from, love?
"I... Tweeted and..."
Eret hugs Fundy.
"No. Stop believing them. You are beautiful. I love your eyes because they have a beautiful colour. I love your hair with your white spots because that means I have someone who is unique around me and that one loves me the same like I love him. Your smile is the best thing on a day because if it's real it means you are happy and I can be happy.
You are not taking me away from my future... You are my future.
Don't take them to your heart Funds.... They know nothing."

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