Tommy Tubbo platonic- photograph

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"Have some blue."
Ghostbur hands Tommy some blue. The teen sighs and forces a smile to appear on his lips.
"Thank you!"
His brother is nice now that he is dead. Way to nice. Tommy misses the old Wilbur. That one who isnt being nice. This is not Wilbur for him.
Though he really appreciated the compass. A smile forms on his lips.
"Are you thinking about Tubbo?"
"Yes... But it doesn't matter."
"He makes you happy. I can go over and get a picture of him! Then you can always see him and have him close to you as photography."
"You- I don't want to-"
"Oh I was actually about to go over. Dream told me to-"
"Yea thanks. You should hurry. It's getting dark"
"You are right, Tommy!"
Ghostbur spins around and flies away to the portal. Leaving the other alone.
"Stupid Dream. Stupid Tubbo. Stupid Wilbur. Stupid Technoblade. Stupid-"
In his anger his fist hits a tree. It leaves scratches. Making his knuckles bleed.
Why does the world hate him?
What did he do wrong?
Why is he exiled while Ranboo helped and Wilbur caused just as much as chaos like Tommy did. Why is he exiled?
Tommy doesn't understand why.
Nor does he know what is currently going on in his home. Here he is alone. Isolated with a bit social interaction if you can count speaking to a death person and the man who exiled you.
Apparently he is alone.
Why hasn't he gone back?
Death doesn't look that bad. Look at his brother. He is happy. But is he happier then he was alive?
Maybe. But at least he doesn't remember what he did. He doesn't remember anything.
Does he even remember Tommy?
How they grew up. Techno teaching how to fight and Wilbur showing him the music. The art of poetry.
Does Ghostbur remember this?
Or did he forgot it. Like it is nothing.
To be honest. Tommy doesn't want to forget it.
It's a happy memory. A good one. Just like the others when they were kids playing in the backyard of their fathers house.
Tommy clenches his fist.
Will his own father kill him, like he killed Wilbur?
Yes. Wilbur is dead.
And it's his father's fault.
Tommy could try to get Wilbur back. Back to live or the memories, but not here. In L'Manburg. But not here.

Ghostbur comes back. In his hand a few photographs.
"Here. Tubbo gave me them. He said he has copies of them... And that you might like them!"
Ghostbur hands Tommy a big pile of pictures. Tommy already knows what they show.
Him and Tubbo.
Him and family.
Him and friends.
Him and the traitors and tyrant.
But most importantly him and Tubbo.
As soon as he sees the first photo of them together he breaks down.
With shaking voice he whispers. Clenching onto the photograph like his life depended on it
A small note falls down.

I'm sorry.


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