Feret- Purse.

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Au- Fundy est un delivery guy and Eret est... Eret. the yt. Po box exists and yea

Fundy never really hated his job. He actually liked it. Always driving around and delivering people packages and sometimes cuddling with one or two dogs. So when his boss told him that he will get a new route he was kinda excited.

The first time he delivered there he wondered what kind of idiot gets that many packages.

There were at least 16 packages in every size possible in his car! For only one address! With a sigh he took them all out and started to build a second fence in front of the house. As soon as he was finally finish he rung the bell and waited.

A good looking man around his age opened the door.

"Oh hey. Im sorry for the big amount"

The voice is deep and a small chuckle escapes the other lips.

"Its my job. Should I bring them in?"

"Oh no! No help needed. Just let them there and I sign you the note that I got them all."

The taller one hurries to him.

With a nice signature he signs it.

"Well... guess see you tomorrow."

And he took a few and disappeared into the house.


Fundy decides to ignore that and just leave. The other also want their packages.

The next day he understands what the other male meant. This time there were 13 packages for that one dude. He seriously cant imagine how much you can buy somewhere to get that many packages!

Just like yesterday everything went and again the 'see you tomorrow'was stuck into his head, this time he didnt doubt that it was the truth.

Third day was different. First of all were today 38 (!) packages for him, god knows what is in there, and the house of the brown haired man was his last stop. So thats why he decided to help the other this time.

"Man let me help you. I dont have anyone anymore after you on the list."

"You sure you wanna do that?"

"I dont want to drive back to the station to just help someone else out."

"Alright Just put them into the room just follow me."

With that they both grab some and Fundy follows curious the other. They go through a nice looking house into a dark room. His eyes scan the room and he sees all the packages, a few already opened and a desk with PC set-up.

"Viewers who watch my streams send the packages Thats why there are so many,.... Sorry again. I would go crazy if I always have to deliver millions of packages to one dude."

"Its fine. uhm can I ask what they are sending you? I mean you dont have to tell but Im kinda curious."

"Five inch high heels, strawberry dresses, skittles lots of things."

"High heels? And a dress?"

"Yea just dont ask"

"Oh that one is cute!"

Fundy looks at a small fox toy.

"You can have it. They dont mind and I dont do either. Got them already a few times."

"Its yours and..."

"But what is if I want you to have it?"

"Wont take it."

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