Feret- Sorry Part 2

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Hi I think Im getting sick.

The day continued. Everyone was busy. Tubbo building. Wilbur writing or singing. Tommy... being Tommy. Everything was normal except that two were nowhere seen.

To be honest everyone just fought they were pranking each other or something like that. It wouldnt be something new for them. That both were feeling guilty for the others bad mood.

How already told the day continued and slowly it was getting dark. At sometime suddenly started a thunderstorm.

Around midnight the fox woke up. Due the fact that the door wasnt closing correctly anymore the water from the rain came in.

Now the entire cave was flooded. The small fox sat there in middle of water freezing and feeling sick. His head was hurting and the world was spinning. Even the entire coat was soaked with water and cold.

With a bit troubles he opens his door.

It looked like the world was going to end. With his shitty feeling he started to walk in a specific direction. He sneezes sometimes dragging the coat nearer and stumbling over his own foots or stones. A shiver runs through his body the freezing getting worse.

He continues walking and is glad when he finally sees the castle.

With troubles he walks to the door knocking on it in hope that the owner wakes up.

To his luck the owner already woke up. He had to close a window and right when he wanted to go back into his bed to catch a bit more sleep he hears the knock. Worried he runs to the door and his worry just grows when he sees the fox in front of his door.


His voice has a small crack. Without waiting for an answer the brit drags the dutch into his house to close the door. The smaller just lets him fall into the other arms and sneezes again.

"You are sick!"

An other voice crack.

Now the brit starts to hurry. He changes the foxes clothes and dries the fur. Then he puts him into his bed and wraps millions of blanket around the still shivering boy.

After checking the foxes temperature he decides its save to sleep. Thats how they end up in the kings bed sleeping peacefully while the brit has an protecting arm wrapped around the fox in a mountain of blankets.

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