Dreambur- Mission (Welp. you wont cry. its not sad. trust me)

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To understand this read Feret- (no idea. just cry.now) It continues right at the point Eret leaves Wilbur alone. maybe part 2 to this? idk.

Oh and if you havent done go to yt and go on the channel kanaya. She just released Dream theme. check it out and give her lots of love coz she is amazing. (the vocals 0.0 )

Wilbur stands there. Watching Eret going to his son. His son he made an orphan out. Wilbur failed. In many ways he did. As brother, as father, as son, as leader, actually as everything. He failed.

So why is he still here? Fundy? Fundy has Eret. Tommy? Tubbo. Phil? Techno.

Who did he left? Or is this his punishment? Does he has to watch them move on? Forget him? Hate him? Does he has to stay here, to see what he did?

Wilbur sighs and walks down the hill. To the small tunnel. He walks through it to his dead body. There next to it are kneeling his brothers and his father. Crying. Well. He would say. Even Technos cheek rolls down a single tear and since it is Technoblade we are talking about it does count as crying.

A sad smile flashes on his face.

Dizzily he stumbles nearer. Mumbling sorry over and over again. Falling onto his knees hugging his family. Screaming then. Letting his pain out.

Its his fault. That they are sad. Its his fault. He should never have been born. He shouldnt have existed.

He was just a big mistake made by the universe.

And like Eret and Niki said, he cant change what happend.

Wilbur is a fool.

With tears drying on his cheek he watches how his family carefully lift his body. Taking it with them to Tommys base. Though he always said he doesnt like the place, he loved it. His little brother build it and it is his brothers home. Wilbur is indeed proud of Tommy.

Wilbur is proud of everyone.

And glad he is dead.

He cant fuck things up anymore. Can he? He doesnt have a propose in this world. Its his punishment to watch the others forget him. And thats good. No one deserves it to be remembered of him. He is a fool.

The night breaks in and everyone goes to sleep. He watches his family. No one bothers to eat something. They are just silently laying down, curled up against each other. An unbearable pain grows in his chest when he watches Tommy, crying himself to sleep. Technos eyes looking dead, Phils eyes red with tears in them, traumatized. He killed his own son.

Ghostbur, he decided that this should be his new name he doesnt deserve the old on anymore and it would be a terrible reminder, watches over them. Them drifting to sleep

Bur watches them sleep. The night over and he sees Tommy screaming moving having nightmares- crying out his name. Watching it makes his heart break. He calmed his little brother down. Singing something Tommy always liked. Telling stories and refreshing old memorises. Thats how he spend his night before he suddenly saw black.

Slowly the black lifts. He is in his ball. His ball that someone flooded. But now it was clean. Nothing strange to see. Then he hears it.

A voice calling his name. Someone climbing down the latter. Stopping as soon as their eyes meet.



Its nearly not audible. Dream sounds shocked.

"I- you"

"You-you can see me?"

"Of course I can you died this has to be a dream. This has to be. You cant be alive."

Mcyt- Oneshots (at least thats what is planned)Where stories live. Discover now