Karlnap- Embarrassed tomato

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Working as jeweler wasnt Sapnaps dream job. Honestly even though his father wants him to do this as job, he wasnt convinced. It isnt like he has an other idea more like he wasnt sure about doing this. After his father Talked with him for days he agreed to take the education from his father how to make jewelrys. Now. A bit after finishing his eduaction years he is working at his fathers shop. It was getting darker and darker and just a bit before he closed the shop, a man rushed in.

"Hello... Im searching for a necklace for women. Can you give me advises?"

"Sure... Ohm... do you know what she exactly prefers?"

"Uhm gold and rubies I guess. I mean thats typical right?"

"Oh yea or Smaragds or well yea diamonds or stuff like that. Here! We have decent ones. Or is it for something special?"

"Na just to wear That one looks good!"

"Yea it costs 1,799 though"

"Oh thats fine!"

"Alright. Something else?"

"Mhhhh Na."

"Okay then." Sapnap takes the necklace out "Follow me please"

Carefully he puts the necklace in a small box and closes it. Then he types everything into the PC and does the things he needs to do. After doing it he pulls a small contract.

"This is just to show that you bought it and that it is real... But you will get like normally a bill after paying Just sign here Thanks" Spanap signs to and closes the contract.

"I guess you will pay with card, right?"

"Oh yea."

"Here... "

The other pays and smiles softly at Sapnap. His heart bits a bit faster at that.


Fast he pulls a beautiful bag out and puts everything in there.

"Here have a nice evening!"

"You too and thanks"

Again a smile that makes his heart beat faster and then the other one disappears and the texan finally closes the shop.

The next time the customer comes back is the next week. With a smile he greets the other.

"Hey so... thanks for the necklace do you have earrings? That match?"

"Sure... Decent decent or just decent?"

"Oh.... decent decent"

"Alright then we have" Sapnap hurries to a small glass table safe. With a key he opens it and pulls three different pairs of earrings out, locks the rest in again and goes back to the other to show them.

"Here... This three."

"Oh... They are all pretty but i guess "

He points to a beautiful decent.

"Thats how it should be With a swift motion Sapnap takes all three back and puts the two not chosen one to the side. The chosen ones are put into an other box and the same like last week happens.



"Thank you Sapnap. My name is Karl by the way."

Again a smile that makes him feel warm.

"Well... Good night!" And the other disappears again.

The third time he comes is Sapnap already prepared and waiting inpatient. His fingers a druming a bit and as soon as the other enters the shop his eyes are glued on him.

"Hey Sapnap! Today I need a ring... Shouldnt be special but also not decent And the most importance. It should Be for the best looking woman on the entire world."

Sapnap gulps. Somehow his heart aches. It sounds like... Karl wants to propose

"Alright. Five seconds!"

He wont show him how he feels With a fake smile he starts walking around and taking a few rings that could work out.

"Here... that are all I would think that are fitting. but you can look around."

"Oh I believe in your good taste. I mean you helped me out the other times when I needed a gift for my mom so..."

"Wait your mother?!"

"Sure what did yo-" Karls eyes grow wide and he starts to laugh.

"You- you- thought that- I- gay"


Sapnaps face is red.

"god. Na Im gay Sapi!"

Sapnap burries his face in his hands.

"But I can assume you that you are definitely my type."


"You really think I havent seen you blush the few times I was here?"

Sapnap is now an embarrassed tomato.

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