Sapnotfound- Forest

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For @masked_goose took a bit but here you are

The Texan boy turns around. A British runs straight to him, not slowing down since he is scared that the other just waits for that and runs away again. Though they were doing Manhunts with Dream, George couldn't really keep up. His breathe technique wasnt made for long runs through a forest. The dark brown hair from the boy was messy. In it were leaves and even a few insects got caught in them. Oh and he somehow fell down into a small river... He was a mess.
The American laughs at the sight of the other. In a way adoring the view though he felt a bit bad because of that. To defend him, it isn't everyday that his best friend looked like he lived inside the woods for the past three years.
"Come on. Let's go back. I'm freezing."
The Brit says annoyed.
Sapnap just smirks and joins his friend to walk back. The walk back was filled with bickering and some small fights. Sometimes they were pushing eachother into a bush... And at one point Sapnap stepped into poop.
The Brit couldn't help himself and laughed.
It was really a funny sight. Sapnap was cursing for the rest of the walk.

"Uhm... Sapnap?"
"Can I come with you to your house?"
"Sure why?"
"Mine... Is a bit broken..."
George lies a bit. It wouldn't hurt anyone. He just wants to spend time and... Yea... That's it. He blushes a bit.
"Your good? You look a bit red."
"Yea I'm fine." The blush grows deeper.
"So Ehm... what did you do the entire day?"
"Hanging out with you?"
Now George is completely red.

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