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Cat's POV
Before I could enter the classroom, my teacher said that we're gonna have class outside today so we could present our projects easier.
There are two fields behind our class room, one is for playing soccer (I hate soccer) and the other one is just a concrete area for Phy Ed, since it's on a mountain, it's at the very bottom, and our school is at the top of the mountain, the distance in height would be about 100 feet.
There's a set of steps that also work as seats by my classroom, and we usually cal that the "lab" for when we do science experiments, or else we call it the "other classroom".
We all sat down, we were in our usual order, except Tadashi sat down in between Hiro and I.
All the other projects were super crappy, and I don't mean like homemade crappy, they're like how is it possible for the human brain to do stuff this simple crappy, they could've at least read a couple books, or websites, or even just go on Pinterest.
Finally it was our turn, we had gone down to the Phy Ed field to present the super suits.
I was super nervous, even though we already had the best projects in the class, heck, probably the state, I was still nervous.
"Nuestro...proyecto....es....um....son....son armaduras de super poderes....y...(our...project....is....um...are.....are suits for super powers....and...)" I said but then sorta just couldn't continue talking.
I looked over to Tadashi who was standing to the side, and he mouthed "breath"
I inhaled then said "yo puedo usar estos ruedas para ir a lugares con una rapidez muy alto, y Hiro tiene imanes en sus pies y manks para conectar a la espalda de Baymax, es el robot en armadura roja y morada, y Baymax tiene alas, para volar. (I can use the wheels to go to places at a very high speed, and Hiro has magnets on his feet and hands to connect to Baymax's back, Baymax is the robot in red and purple armor, and Baymax also has wings so they can fly.)" I said, then continuing to explain what everyone else's armor does.
"Entonces enseña nos lo (then show us)" Galilea said
"Enseñar que?(show what?)" I asked
"Tus 'super poderes' (your 'super powers')" She said
We showed everyone how they work and they were all astonished, of course.
Yay! I finally did the presentation!!!!
(Prepare your selfs for a series of very depressing chapters in about 5-10 chapters.)

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