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Cat's POV

My parents wanted to relax in the hotel room while we all go out shopping, the TMNT didn't really want to go, but we made them

"Oh wait, I better go get another room card just in case." I said, we were already in the lobby, but it would take like a minute to go back up to the room.

"I'll go with you" Hiro said

Once we arrived to the hotel room...

There were to guys stabbing and killing my parents.

"Run." I whispered

We ran back down to the lobby, once we arrived, I was in complete shock.

"What happened?" Jaden asked

"..." I stayed silent

"When we got to the room, her parents were being stabbed by these two guys." Hiro explained and I nodded

"We'll go tell the security" Leo said, running off to the front desk


We left the hotel as soon as possible, we don't need anyone else getting murdered

Of course I cried at my parents funeral, but I accepted it after a while, I guess I never had that close of a bond with my parents, but not that distant of a bond for me to feel like I never knew them, it was just neutral.

But they are dead now.

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