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Cat's POV
We walked outside of the café and Tadshi sat down on his scooter, and Hiro motioned me to sit down, once I got on the scooter Tadashi said
"Hold on tight."
Then he went crazy fast, I didn't even realize that Hiro already jumped on, I was holding onto Tadashi as much as I could because it felt like I could go flying any second.
But seriously, I don't even know how Tadashi got his drivers license, I guess he hasn't really messed up, or been close to falling, but he was still going really fast and he was taking these short cuts that I would never think of.
What's the word I'm looking for?
Oh yeah, he's an insane driver.
At least we got to SFIT in about 3-5 minuets.
We went in and Honey Lemon, Gogo, Fred, and Wasabi came up to us.
"Where were you? It's 9:45!" Wasabi said
"Hiro! Is this your girlfriend?" Honey Lemon said, in here usual bubbly tone.
"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I said
"No, she's just my friend." Hiro said
"For now...." Honey Lemon said in a more evil tone.
Tadashi and Hiro introduced me to everyone, even though they know I already know quite a bit about them. It's just to be safe.
Tadashi led me to his lab, Hiro had to work on something in his own lab, so he couldn't come with.
"So what have you been working on?" I asked
"Just some bugs that Baymax has."
"Now that I think about it, I haven't really seen Baymax actually active."
"Here, I can show you."
"Sure-wait are you-"
Before I knew it Tadashi had took some duct tape, and put it on my arm and ripped it off.
"Owwww! Dude! Not cool!"
Then Baymax inflated and walked over to me.
"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal health care companion. What seems to be the problem?"
"Tadashi hurt me with duct tape." I pouted
Baymax turned to Tadashi and said
"Tadashi, I recommend to not hurt others."
Then Baymax turned back to me and said
"On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"
"Maybe a 6 or a 7? I'm fine now though."
"Does it hurt when I touch it?"
"No, no touching, I-I'm satisfied with my care now!"
"You have been a good girl, here, have a lolipop." Baymax said, handing me a red lollipop.
"Awesome." I said then took it, and Baymax deflated.
After that Tadashi and I were just talking about robotics and stuff.

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