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Cat's POV
I was super bored in my room so I started playing with my BH6 action figures that I got a while back, but like in a little kid way, just hitting the toys together. In my head the fight between Yokai and Tadashi was much more epic.
Then Tadashi came into my room, and being the jumpy person I am, I knocked all my toys onto the ground and covered them with my blanket.
"So what did you find out?" I asked
"They told me that you denied Donnie's apology, called him and the TMNT names, beat him up, and even stabbed him."
"What!? I would never do that! I would be afraid of myself if I did that!"
"Exactly, and they all believe that you did that."
"Well my only chance to be friends with the real, 100% legit TMNT, just went out the window."
"Don't worry, some how we'll get them to believe that you didn't do that."
"Yeah I guess, thanks Tadashi" I said then hugged him.
Every day now, Tadashi and I are just talking and playing while the others are at school, and occasionally trying to figure out how to convince the TMNT and Jaden that I didn't do anything like that to Donnie, and for the past 2 days even when they get home from school, we still just prefer to hang out then really do anything else.
Wow that was short BUT ADORABLE
But the next chappy will be much longer.

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