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Cat's POV
"Man, you guys wouldn't believe what I week I've had." I said, walking into the living room and plopping myself down on the couch.
"No, we wouldn't. Because you haven't been here all week!" Leo said, I guess me not being around for a while has sorta gotten on his nerves.
"Well, I actually escaped a fire with Tadashi!" I said, proudly
"Whoa, whoa, WHOA. hold up. You escaped a fire?" Jaden asked
"With Tadashi by my side, and yeah, there was a fire at SFIT, and Tadashi ran in there to save Callaghan, and I went in after him, and we got out with our lives!"
"Well what about Callaghan?"
"He...um, I dunno, I guess. He just took my neurotransmitter and then said something about needing it to find Abigail"
"Cat! Get down here!" Hiro called from the lab
"Kay Kay!" I said, then ran downstairs
"So whatcha need?" I asked
"Look at this" he said, moving away from his computer
"Mysterious villain spotted in San Fransokyo" I read, and there was a picture of Callaghan, better said Yokai
"That's Callaghan!" I said
"That was noted." Hiro said
"Well what're we gonna do?"
"Easy, we tell the gang, gear up, and then catch him."
"Ooo! Is it okay if there's an addition to the team?"
"Well we already agreed that if there were to be a crime, then you could be part of Big Hero 6, or I guess Big Hero 7 now."
"I know, I know, but yet another addition."
"Jaden? Well she can't, remember she doesn't have the ability and stuff to go to San Fransokyo?"
"I know, and it's not her."
"Well then who?"
"Wait right here" I ran upstairs and then found Tadashi and dragged him back downstairs to the lab
"Now what do you need me for?" Tadashi asked
"Look at this!" I said, then opened up a closet in the lab (I have no idea why we have a closet in here, it just sorta came with everything) and inside there was a Baymax super suit- but of course reduced in size to fit Tadashi!
"A Baymax suit?" Hiro asked
"Yes, but who would it fit?" I asked, gesturing to Tadashi.
"Um...Fred?" Hiro asked
"No...um, try again, who isn't in Big Hero 6- or 7 yet?"
"Jaden?" Hiro said, how can he be so clueless!?
"NO! It's for Tadashi!"
"Wait, for me?" Tadashi asked
"Yes! That's what I just said!"
"Well duh Tadashi can be part of Big Hero 7! Oh wait, Big Hero 8." Hiro said
"Yes! Wait, Tadashi, do you want to be part of Big Hero 7? Or 8?" I asked Tadashi
"I don't know...I mean then I would have to change a lot of my plans- and yes I'll be part of Big Hero 7!"
"Yes! Now put it on! Callaghan- well Yokai is in the city, and he isn't saving cats stuck in trees!"
I was in the living room waiting, I already had my super suit on, I guess I sorta have mastered the technique of putting it on in less then a minute. Anyways, I was telling the TMNT and Jaden about Tadashi being part of Big Hero 8 now!
"And he's putting the super suit on right now!" I said excitedly
"And then what are you gonna do?" Jaden asked
"Then we're gonna go to SF and kick bad guy butt!"
"Caaaaaaaat!!!!!! Tadashi's readyyyyyyyy!!!!!" Hiro called from downstairs
"Gotta go!" I said
"Wait! Can I come with?" Jaden asked
"Look, Jaden, you can't go to San Fransokyo-"
"I know! I mean just downstairs with you!"
"Oh, well yeah, sure."
We went downstairs and Tadashi was standing in a heroic pose, showing off his super suit.
"Omigosh! It looks so awesome!!!!" I said then couldn't help but fangirl squeal, he just looked so hot! Wait, what am I thinking!? Oh who am I kidding, he was smoking!
"Yeah, and now let's go catch Yokai!" Hiro said
"Yeah! Wait." I said
"Whaaat?" Hiro asked
"I can't control the microbots, remember? If Callaghan has the neurotransmitter."
"Oh yeah, while you were upstairs I made you another batch of them, and I programmed another transmitter into your helmet last week. And these micro bots can only be controlled by your neurotransmitter."
"Awesome!" I said, swarming the microbots out of the boxes "now let's go and kick some bad guy butt!!!!"

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