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Cat's POV
I was in the living room, just talking with Jaden and she mentioned
"Soooo? You and Tadashi, huh?"
"Whaaaaa? We're just friends!"
"Really really good friends."
"The best. But not in that way."
"Well how many years are your parents apart?"
"Like 4, maybe 5."
"And how many years are you and Tadashi apart?"
"Like 4"
"Perfect! So your parents would completely be fine with you and Tadashi going out, so if you excuse me, I'll be working on the wedding preparations."
"I am not marrying Tadashi!"
"Yeah, I would be against it anyways."
"Because I have a theory."
"What theory?"
"That he's a murderer."
"What? Tadashi is a good guy, he would never kill anyone! On purpose at least, and he would totally regret it."
We continued discussing until we heard some foot steps coming from the lab, but we just ignored it.
Then Tadashi came up the stairs, BUT HE WAS COVERED IN BLOOD WHAAATTT!!!???
Simultaneously, I had a shocked face, Jaden was more grossed out from the blood, and probably ready to faint, and Hiro...he did a spit take (spit out the water he was drinking).
"I KNEW IT!" Jaden said, standing up, and pointing at Tadashi
"Hey guys..." Tadashi said nervously
"Tadashi is a..." She said then paused for a dramatic effect.
"Murderer...." She said in a very sinister way.
"Tadashi is not a murderer!" I defended
"Well then why is he covered in his victims blood, huh?"
We continued arguing about wether or not Tadashi being a murderer.
"Okay, we are so off topic!" I said
"Tadashi, why are you covered in blood?" I asked
"Well, I sorta..."
I glanced over to Jaden, and I saw her holding her phone, and she was dialing 911.
"Put. The. Phone. Down." I said strictly and she put it down
"Um, anyways, I sorta lost Baymax's health care chip while I was fixing some bugs." Tadashi said
"It was already in" I said
"Oh yeah, hehe, OMG"
"Okay, well Jaden, you go down stairs and find the health care chip. Tadashi, you come with me, before you bleed to death."
"Okay, don't freak out, don't freak out..." Jaden whispered to herself
"Okay I will...." She said then went downstairs
"C'mon Tadashi, I have some supplies in my room." I said, walking over to my room with him.
I got out my huge first aid kit (my parents make me keep it for emergencies) and asked
"Okay, so where are your main scratches, cut, etcetera."
"Well I have this cut on my arm, my ear, my hand, and forehead."
"Okay, we'll show me the one on your arm."
He rolled up his sleeve, and wow. Talk about gore.
Luckily I don't get sick or nauseous at the sight of blood.
I cleaned up that cut and wrapped it up and also fixed his hand, when I was cleaning this pretty deep cut on his ear I noticed his lip was bleeding
"Tadashi, your lip is bleeding, bad." then I tried to stop the blood
Our faces were like inches apart, and we started leaning in, and wow, is it getting hot in here?
Then Jaden burst through the door.
I ended up jumping back, and falling on the ground.
"Oh, should I have come in here at a different time?" She asked, obviously seeing what was happening
"What do you want?" I asked, in an annoyed tone
"Oh yeah, I found the chip" she said, holding up the chip
"Wait, did you put it in Baymax?" Tadashi asked
"Oh wait, you wanted me to put it in him? Oops..."
Then I heard Mikey scream from the living room
I rushed into the living room, and saw Evil Baymax destroying my living room, then he started marching towards me,
I had the micro bots shied me, and if you're wondering how I was able to control them, I was wearing the ear piece that allowed me to do so.
And yes, I wear it every day, all day, and even when I'm sleeping.
Then I quickly put in the health care chip.
"Okay, Baymax? I need you to fix up my living room" I said once he calmed down
"Will fixing your living room improve your emotional state?" He asked
"Yeah, it would be appreciated."
And Baymax waddled over to the couch that was flipped over.
Wow! A chapter that's almost double the length of my usual chapters!
This is probably my fave one shot X3
And sorry for not updating! I was driving lolzcsts11 insane!!!
So, do you ship Cadashi? (credit goes to hannah1206 for coming up with the ship name)

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