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I was talking to Honey outside the showcase hall after Hiro's presentation with the microbots, we were just talking about just some random school stuff, but she had to go, so I just chilled out where I was sitting, it had a really nice view of the robotics building/lab, and in the night it emits a slight blue light, it was really pretty in my opinion.
I saw some people screaming, and running away from the showcase hall, and I smelt...smoke?
I looked around the corner, and the showcase hall was in flames, just like in my nightmares.
And I saw Tadashi running into the building.
I wasn't going to hesitate, so I ran as fast as I could after him, I had tears in my eyes, and by the time I reached Hiro, he was about to run after him too, but the building exploded before we could advance any farther.
It had pushed us back at least a foot, and when I looked at the building, it was worse then ever, I started screaming out Tadashi's name, hoping to get a response, but no luck.
I got up to go in there, now I was crying.
'I'm not giving up on you.' Was the only thing in my mind.
I was about to advance, but someone was grabbing onto my arms, and I turned around to see Honey Lemon, Gogo, Fred, and Wasabi, holding me back.
"Let me go!" I said
"Don't go in there!" Gogo said
"B-But Tadashi! He's in there!"
"What?" Honey asked asked in disbelief.
"Let me go! I need to save Tadashi!"
"Cat! Listen to me, you aren't going to find him, if you go in there you're going to die!" Wasabi said
"Just let me go! I'll find him!"
They continued to keep me from going in the building, and they dragged Hiro and I into Wasabi's car, Cass wanted them to drive us home I guess.
Until we reached the exit of SFIT, I kept on screaming Tadashi's name, and looking back at the fire.
After that I was silent, and my expression was shocked and sad, Hiro was no different.
When we got to the cafè Hiro and I just walked straight up stairs, without saying a word. While the gang explained everything to Cass. We could hear her crying along with Honey Lemon downstairs.
Once we got to Hiro and Tadashi's room, Hiro put Tadashi's hat on Tadashi's bed, then he just sat in his bed, looking down at the ground.
I had sat down next to Hiro, and I could only think:
'He promised he would never leave.'

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now