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At 2:00 in the morning, Tadashi had already went to bed, but we were finally done with my suit, it looked just like Hiro's, but it was light blue and black, and in the helmet there was a neurocranial transmitter, so I could control the micro bots, it also had wheels like GoGo's on my feet, but they weren't detachable, I put it on, and I looked AWESOME!!!
"Awesome! Now try to put the micro bots in the shape of Baymax, life size." Hiro said excitedly.
"Boom! Baymax!" I said while putting them in the shape of Baymax
"Awesome! Now let's get some sleep, so in the morning we can work on the other suits."
The guys looked sick.
Leo's suit was blue with neon green stripes, and he was able to have blue and green plasma hades come out from his suit near his hand (like Wasabi, but they were longer).
Donnie's was purple and black, and he had tubes coming down both of his arms, and on his left arm there was a panel, and there was different buttons that were for different chemicals (like Honey Lemon's suit, but not girly).
Mikey was in a dragon suit and he could breath fire, (exactly like Fred's).
Raph's was very edgy, (I'll let you guys come up with the design, because the author is too lazy and uninspired to design one, jk) it was black and red, and it was slightly like Leo's, but instead of plasma blades, there were two iron blades that pop out, and underneath his wrist, he can shoot out fire.
We were all set, now we just have to perfect our skills with them.
Sorry this chapter was short, but I did make a drawing of Cat in her super suit, it took me around 2-3 hours or more, I didn't check what time it was, but that's the drawing! Oh yeah and if you're wondering what the things in the background are, they're micro bots, I know, it's pathetic, but who cares I finished the drawing!

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