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Cat's POV
I haven't talked to Donnie since he pushed Hiro down, and I made him switch spots with Mikey, so I wouldn't have to see his face. He tried apologizing but I really care about Hiro, and Donnie was being the worst to him, I won't talk to him until I see that he's really sorry.
I was in the lab working on more micro bots, it took me about 3 minuets just to make one, and usually music makes me work faster so I put on my head phones (I. Hate. Earbuds.) and listened to Immortals by fall out boy (you have to listen to this song. And you probably have if you've watched BH6 Cuz it's on when they tryout their super suits.)
Then Hiro came in and asked
"Hey Cat, need some help with the micro bots?"
"Um, yeah, sure."
"Hiro sat next to me and noticed I was listening to a song."
"Whatcha listening to?"
"Just a song- wait, listen to it. Now."
Hiro has to hear it, it's like destined to be his favorite song.
I starts the song over and gave the headphones to Hiro.
I waited until the song was done.
"So? Whatdya think?"
he didn't answer, he just started the song over again. I took off the headphones and asked again
"What. Do. You. think?"
"Well I don't really like it."
"I love it!" He exclaimed and took the headphones from me.
"Good, now unplug the head phones, I wanna hear it too!"
We were working on micro bots, and we were listening to the song for about 6 hours, and we never got tired of the song, we made about 2,000 more micro bots, by then I was already falling asleep.
"I think you should go to bed." Hiro said
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you drifted off for 5 minuets."
"What? okay, fine. I'll go to bed, but you gotta too."
"Ok, I'll go to bed too."

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