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One week later
Cat's POV
I've been noticing the strange behavior with Raph, Donnie, and Leo lately.
How strange you ask?
Raph seems to always loose whenever we spar (we do it almost everyday) he always looses, which is cool, for me, but the thing is, he doesn't get mad at me! And Raph is too.... Raph-y, to not get mad!
Leo always tries to hang out with me, he even blew off the Space Heroes marathon that was on this weekend, so he could play video games with me!
Donnie is always giving me the answers to my homework and were always talking whenever I'm in my dimension, but I always try to ask him to let me answer them on my own, but his excuse is that he wants me to get a good grade. And whenever he says that I can only think: DAWWWWW!!!!!😆
So I let him give me the answers.😅
They all try to be with me and to talk with me as much as possible, at first it was sorta fun I guess, but now it's kind of annoying, I mean, not in the bad way, I find it sweet that they try to do anything at all to be with me, but I need some me time, first I tried finding in my room that April gave me (it's the one that she used to be in when she was hiding from the Kranng.) but they found me there, so I went to the one place they would never look, Mikey's room.
I prepared myself for what I was about to see, smell and maybe even worse.😖
I went in and no one was there, it was really messy, but I managed to get over to the bed without touching any pizza boxes or, titey whities, why does he even have these? I made it too the bed eventually, all it smelt like in there was old pizza. Then something grabbed my feet form under the bed
"Ahhhh!" I shouted
"Cat?" Mikey asked as he popped his head from under the bed
"Why are you under your bed?" I asked
"Why are you in my room?" He asked back while getting out from under his bed then he sat on his bed next to me
"Leo, Donnie, and Raph have been following me around for a while and I needed a break
Mikey sat there for a second, thinking, which is something he doesn't do much, so I was afraid of what he was going to say.
"Oh I know, they like you." He said
"They like you like mushy romance-y like you"
"No, I don't think that-"
"Cat, they always try to hang out with you, and I've noticed that Raph doesn't get even a little mad when you pwn him, and he's Raph, they guy who tried to kill me after I thought that his Modern Ninja magazine was one of my comics."
"Oh yeah I forgot about that"
"And Leo blew off Space heroes to play video games with you"
"What about Donnie?"
"He makes it too obvious."
"Oh yeah"
"So which one are you gonna pick?"
"Donnie, Leo, or Raph?"
"I don't know"
"What about Donnie?"
"Why him?"
"Because you seem to like him"
"No I don't! Well maybe a little, but still!"
"So you pick Donnie then."
"No! I can't just say no to Raph and Leo"
"Yeah you can just say no"
"I know, but it's not easy!"
"You like them too?"
"I already said, I don't know."
"Ok, well I gotta go, my stomach needs glorious pizza."
"Ok Mikey"
"You comin?"
"I think I'm just gonna stay here, to decide who I'm gonna pick."
"Ok, ps pick Donnie"
"Bye Mikey!" I said while pointing my finger at the door
He got up and walked out the door, but when he was about to close it, he whispered:
"Pick Donnie"
I couldn't pick, this would take some time.

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