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Hiro's POV
I woke up on the bottom bed of the bunk bed Tadashi and I share, like always, I remembered what happened yesterday and I was soooososooosososooo happy, I ran to the door, but blinded my my happiness, I forgot to open the door, so I crashed into it
"OW!!!" I said getting up from the fall back
Baymax inflated from behind me.
"Hello Hiro, what seems to be the problem?" He asked
"I ran into the door."
"Next time I recommend to open the door, on a scale from one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"
"0? I'm fine." I said while holding my nose, it obviously hurt, but it was no big deal.
"Does it hurt when I touch it?" Baymax said while ponting a finger to my nose
"No, no touching, I'm fine."
"I will now scan you for injuries."
"Don't scan me."
"Scan complete."
"You seem to have pain in your nose, I recommend using an ice pack or a frozen bag of vegetables to adviod swelling, you also are experiencing mood swings, diagnosis: Puberty."
"Whoa what? Ok, just go back in your luggage now." I said while pushing Baymax away.
"You are also experiencing a very high level excitement, and happiness, diagnosis: Love."
"I recommend talking to the person you, love, tell them how you feel."
"Okay, okay, go back into your luggage now, I'm satisfied with my care."
Baymax deflated back into his luggage finally, I went outside and I saw Cat watching TV with Leo and Donnie by her
"Oh, hey Hiro" she said with out taking her eyes off of the TV
"H-hey Cat, whatcha doing?"
"Just watching some TV."
"Cool." I said while sitting down on the couch, but Donnie pushed me away and I fell to the floor.
"Hiro!" Cat shouted and got up. I didn't even know she saw.
She helped me get up and asked me if I was okay, and I was, then she looked back at Donnie, infuriated.
"DOONIE WHY THE GUMMY BEARS WOULD YOU DO THAT YO HIRO!!!?????!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!lol!?!?!?!?"
"What? I didn't do anything" donnie said innocently, I gotta admit, he was really good at lying.
"You know what you did! Why have you been so mean to Hiro? If you keep acting like he this, I don't want to be your friend, or talk to you."
"Cat-" donnie said but he was interrupted
"C'mon Hiro, let's go get Baymax to scan you to make sure your all right."
I was fine, that's what I've been saying, but oh well.
Cat's POV
Why would Donnie be like this? This isn't like Donnie, but I still could believe that he would act like this. He's just so mean to Hiro! I just want to punch Donnie in the face.

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