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Cat's POV
We went outside to the parking lot in front of the apartment right next to our house, that we own (the apartment and the house).
We already had our super suits on, Leo was flinging his plasma blades around, as if they were katanas, Raph was practicing with his weapon too, Mikey was jumping up in the sky, spitting fire around the place, luckily he didn't put anything on fire, Donnie was in the house, just studying the chemicals that he has in his suit, and Hiro was in the lab, upgrading Baymax's super suit, I was practicing using the wheels attached to my shoes, I wasn't
Going to use my micro bots just yet, because Tadashi actually made a machine that made 3 micro bots a second, and it was running all night long, so now I have about as many micro bots as Yokai did, well at least 3/4 of what he had, I saw Tadashi burst out the door, he was really exited about the micro bots.
"They're all ready." He said
I pulled all the micro bots from the lab and accidentally made Tadashi trip, but I quickly used the micro bots to catch him.
"Sorry." I said
Once he got up I pulled the rest of the micro bots towards me, I did a few tricks with them, and then Hiro and Baymax came out the door
"Hey Cat, wanna go for a ride on Baymax?" Hiro asked
"How can I? I don't have magnets on my hands and feet like you do."
"Check again."
"How did I not notice them before?"
"You tell me, now come on!"
I saw that Baymax had a new set of magnets on his back, so I went on him and connected the magnets, and we shot up into the sky.
"This is awesome!" I shouted
"I knew you'd love it." Hiro said
"Who wouldn't?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot."
My phone rang, great.
"Hiro, can we stop for a sec?"
We landed and I took off my helmet, I grabbed my phone and answered it.
"hello?" My mom asked
"Hi, um can we talk later? I'm sorta in the middle of something important."
"Your aunt (insert name here cuz the author is too lazy to come up with one) and uncle (insert another name) went to Vegas for vacation, and they were murdered."
"What? What about Jaden?"
"She's fine, but we need you and Hiro to come back to the house so we can tell you the other news."
I hung up and said
"Sorry Hiro, but my mom wants us to come back to the house."
"It's ok." He said, I could hear the disappointment in his voice.
I put back on my helmet and we went on Baymax's back again, I explained everything to Hiro.
"I'm sorry about the...um...death." He said
"Don't be, they were really mean anyways."
"Oh, ok."
I hopped off of Baymax and I saw my mom and dad explaining what happened to the others.
"Okay, so what's the news?" I asked
"Your cousin, Jaden, is coming to stay here and live with us." my dad said
"Awesome! When does she get here?" I exclaimed
"Well it's a quarter to twelve, and she gets here around 4:15, but we gotta go to the airport to pick her up, so we're leaving at 1:30." My mom said
"Awesome, can they come too?" I asked while gesturing to the TMNT a and BH6.
"Yeah, but don't bring ballon man." My dad said
"Baymax." I corrected
"Right, well we're gonna go back to the store and attend some customers."
They left and I turned to the others.
"Crap." I said
"What?" Hiro asked
"Someone's gonna recognize you guys! Here, let's go inside and get some disguises."
We went inside and I said
"Leo, you swap clothes with Mikey, Mikey, you swap with Donnie, Donnie, you swap with Raph, and swap with Leo. Hiro and Tadashi, just hoodies that cover your faces, and clothes that you would never wear.

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