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2 weeks later
Cat's POV
I was with April in the living room, she said that I belong with Leo and that I should pick him, but I still don't know. The guys were in the lab, Donnie said that he had something to show them.
"Guys come here!" Leo shouted form the lair
"Ok!" I shouted back
April and I got up and walked over to the lab
We opened the door slowly and we say Donnie, Leo, Raph, and Mikey standing there, BUT AS HUMANS!!!
They somehow had clothes on so i guess thats good?
"Donnie made us watches to turn us human!" Leo said
"We see" April said while still staring at them
"He made us HUMANIWATCHES!!!!" Mikey shouted
"Humaniwatches?" I asked
"Well yeah because they're watches and they-"
"We get it!" Everyone else said except for me, Mikey put his head down, and I felt bad for him, so I walked up to him and said
"Later you can tell me more about your idea."
"YAY!!!" He shouted pulled me into a hug
"Not a hugger NOT A HUGGER!!!" I shouted
He let me go and everyone was laughing
"So Donnie, how do these watches even work?"
"See, I used some Krangg technology from TCRI to-"
"Bye!" Mikey and April shouted while leaving
"Cat, are you gonna stay here?" Raph asked
"Um, yeah i guess." i said
"Well then I am too" Leo said
"And me too!" Raph said
Sorry I didn't describe how they look, but I did put a picture at the beginning for how they do, for if you didn't see it.

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