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Hiro's POV
I was in my room on my computer, Tadashi was in his side of the room, talking to Baymax, I went on facebook and I saw a report on there being a new comic for my favorite book, Dream Come True! I know the title is cheesy but the book is really good! I know Tadashi also loves the book so I immediately.
"Tadashi! Guess what? They're making a new comic for DCT!"
"What!? Lemme see!" He ran over to me and took my laptop.
"Hey give me that back! I heard there's a boy fight nearby and I need to find out where it is!"
"Hiro, you know that those bot fights are illegal!".
"Yeah well... I'm going anyways."
I got up and grabbed my megabot, I'll just look it up on my phone. Of course Tadashi grabbed my hoodie, pulling me back
"You're staying here." H said
"Ugh, fine"
We spent the rest of the day just talking about DCT, and how cool it would be if we were to actually meet Cat and the turtles.
We both fell asleep around 11, but then I was in a white space, just endless whiteness, then I noticed Baymax was like 8 feet away from me,
"Baymax!" I called out
"Hello Hiro, do you have information on where we are?"
"No, do you?"
"Hiro!" I heard Tadashi call
"Tadashi! Do you know where we are?"
"No, maybe we should look around."

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now