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(Just a quick reminder, all the turtles are humans if they're in this dimension, because mutagen doesn't exist here for them to get mutated and to become mutants, and they're also all 14 years old)
1 week later
Cat's POV
So the TMNT and BH's (that's what I'm calling Hiro, Tadashi, and Baymax now, it stands for big heroes) have been here for a week. My parents are cool with the new, um, additions to the house, guest wise and architectural wise, and I've been hanging out with Hiro and Tadashi every day for hours.
It's Saturday, and my teacher gave me a pile of homework, this always happens, at the beginning of the school year the teacher says there's no homework on Fridays, but after a week, they give you homework.
Of course it had to be fractions, the one math subject that I suck at, dividing? Easy. Multiplying? Simple. Decimals? You gotta be kidding me. Fractions? I hate everything.
The TMNT, Hiro, and I were sitting in the living room.
"Uuuugggghhhhhh, Hiro can you help me with my homework?" I asked
"Fractions?" Hiro asked
"You guessed it."
Hiro sat closer by me to help me with my homework, then Donnie said
"Why are you asking him to help you with your homework when I'm right here?"
"Because he actually helps me with my homework instead of giving me all the answers." I said
"What? I don't do that...."
Hiro helped me with my homework and FINALLY IT WAS DONE!
"Yay! I'm done! Thank you Hiro so so much!" I said then hugged him
"Why don't you do that when I help you with your homework?" Donnie asked
"Because I actually learned something, instead of just being given all the answers without an explanation."
After that Donnie didn't say anything, all he did was shoot glares at Hiro, what's his problem?
"I wish schools didn't give homework!" I said
"When are we gonna go to school?" Leo asked
"School? I don't think that's a good idea" I said
"Oh c'mon Cat, please please please pleaseeeeeee!" Mikey pouted
"Only if all of you want to go, Donnie?"
"It's not like I have anything better to do"
"Ok, but first we need to make sure it's ok, Hiro, you go ask Tadashi if you can go, I'll go ask my parents if it's ok for them to go."
I ran out of our house, then into our hardware store right in front of it
I ran back into the house, and at the same time Hiro comes up the stairs
"Yes!" We both said in unison
"My parents just left to the school to sign you guys up, you start on Monday, and it's Saturday, so let's hear you guys up!"
"Awesome!" Mikey shouted
I have each of them a back pack, everyone of them were a certain color and black, Leo's was blue, Donnie's was purple, Mikey's was orange, Raph's was red, and a Hiro's was red and blue, mine was a dark pink. I have them all notebooks and school supplies.
"How do you have so much school stuff?" Leo asked
"The providers for the products at my parent's hardware store gives us some once in a while, we get the school supplies over time, and my grandpa for some reason gave us a ton of notebooks." I said

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