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Time: 12:45
Cat's POV
I finally came out of my room, only because we have school, everyone keeps on asking me about what Jaden screamed, but I just ignored them.
"Okay, so how are we gonna bring the super suits?" Leo asked
"Maybe we could just change there." Donnie suggested
"Nononoonnoonononoono. No. You do not want to go into the bathrooms there." I said
"Fine, so we just wear the super suits to school?" Donnie asked
"We gotta go." I said, already in my super suit along with everyone else.
We go outside to the hardware store my parent's own, to let them know that we're leaving.
"We're going to school now!" I shouted, then my mom walked in instead of just shouting "ok" back.
"I think you should have Tadashi go to school with you today." She said
"What? Why?" I asked
"I really prefer having an adult supervising when you're using the super hero outfits."
"But my teacher will be there." I said
"He has to worry about the whole class, so he won't be able to keep an eye on you all."
"Fine." I said
I went into the house to go get Tadashi, I was not looking forward to the following conversation.
I went down to the lab and said
"Um, hey Tadashi, my mom wants you to come with us to school today, and I guess sorta chaperone, so we don't get hurt with the super suits."
"Ok." He said while finishing up whatever he was working on.
We walked out of the lab, and he asked
"So about earlier..."
"Don't say a word about it." I said while looking straight ahead.
"Okay, here's Tadashi!" I said
"Kay now lets go!!!" Mikey shouted while putting on his monster helmet thing.
We walked over to the school, of course every one was astonished, probably because a giant marshmallow nurse robot was wearing carbon fiber underpants.
No one said a word. They must all know what happened in between me and Tadashi, and I guess us being un between 10 feet was an awkward situation.
We walked up to the class room, and kids were full of questions.
Half of them were about the super suits and Baymax
And the other half were just asking who Tadashi was.
After trying (and failing) to explain everything, my teacher showed up, at least he didn't bring up the super suits.
"Quien es? (Who is he?)" My teacher asked
I opened my mouth to introduce Tadashi, but I guess Tadashi also insta-learned Spanish too, and he introduced himself.
"Soy Tadashi Hamada, el hermano mayor de Hiro. La mama de Cat preferia que yo viniera para asegurar que ellos estan seguros cuando presentan sus proyectos. (I'm Tadashi Hamada, Hiro's older brother. Cat's mother preferred that I would come to make sure that they don't get hurt while they demonstrate their projects.)"
"Muy bien, entonces que es el proyecto? (Very well, so what's the project?)" My teacher asked us.
"Son equipajes de super poderes. (their super power suits)" I said confidently.
And of course my arch nemisis, Galilea comes up.
"Lamento decirtelo, pero eso es tan stereotipico, que se que no van a funcionar (Sorry to break it to ya, but that's so stereotypical, that I just know that it won't work.)" she said
Thanks for breaking over half of my confidence.
I looked down, there's no point in talking back if I just stutter and make a fool out of my self. Every time, every time I try to say something cool or bold in Spanish, I stutter, whenever it's in english, I do great. But Spanish? Nope.
Tadashi side hugged me, and it made me feel alot better, I swear I heard Hiro growl.
Sorry, these chapters end up being longer than I plan, I usually try to do 4-7 page chapters.
I really hope I'll be able to update tomorrow and have it actually be the presentation.

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