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Cat's POV
It's around 9:00, and we're still not there yet, we'll probably get there around 1:00


Sorry for the spam but that's what I feel right now.


Everyone is bored, even Mikey, and he's never bored.

Right now Hiro was just drawing circles in the back of my hand, I was just trying to go to sleep, Jaden was trying to organize an acapella band in between her and the TMNT to do the TMNT theme song, Tadashi fell asleep around an hour ago, and we're just all bored.

"Ugh I'm so bored!" I said, flailing my arms around, I forgot that Hiro was right by me so I accidentally hit him in the face.

"I'm so sorry." I said, covering my mouth

The TMNT and Jaden both saw and they were bursting out in laughter.

"Im fine, thank you very much," Hiro said

After that I spent almost the next hour apologizing.


"Okay, I spy...something, green!" Jaden said

"Is it Raphael again?" I asked

"Yes! Wow your so good it this game!" She said and I face palmed

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now