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Leo and had watched all the space heroes movies in a day, it was 10 o clock and Donnie said that i should sleep, because it'll help my leg heal faster.
I woke up and I was in my room, in my real room.
I then called Bob.
"Am I back in the real world now?" I asked
"Yeah, well at least you go back to sleep."
"Remember that you gotta keep this a secret, you can't tell anyone."
"Got it. Wait not say anything about the turtles or to not say anything about you?"
"About me, I could get kicked off the dream council if you say anything, and that would mean you would stop being able to see the turtles."
"What about the turtles?"
"You can talk at your own risk at that, but you're probably gonna sound insane."
"Got it."
I hung up and got ready for the day, when I walked into the living room I saw my iPad on the couch and and the clock said 9:50.
And then I also remembered that I promised my cousin, Jaden that I would talk with her on Wattpad at 10.
I turned on the TV and some commercials were on, to be followed by TMNT
I got on my iPad and started thinking what I'm gonna do with the "meeting the turtles" thing.
I decided to keep it a strict secret as well.
Me: Hi Jaden!
Jaden: Hey
Me: what u doin
Jaden: nothin
Me: so u aren't breathing?
Jaden: good point
Me: I'm just waiting for the new TMNT a episode to b on
Jaden: cool, did u know that there's a rumor that there are 5 space heroes movies in TMNT?
Me: no, there's 7.
Jaden: No, I don't think so, last time I checked there were 5
Me: well I just watched all of them with Leo and we watched 7
Jaden: wha?
Me: I MEAN... Nickelodeon posted an official statement that there were 7
Jaden: ok, you're not telling me something
Me: Whaaaaat?
Jaden: you're not making sense
Jaden: then why did you put that?
me: Cuz I was hacked.
Jaden: lol ok just tell me the truth
Me: I was watching TMNT and it felt like Leo was there, so that's why I said that.
Jaden:I'm confused.
me:just never mind ok?
Jaden: ok... I gotta go, bye.
me: Bye
Great. My first few minutes after I meet the turtles and I almost just blew their cover. I better be more careful with Jaden, she's probably suspicious.
Finally TMNT a was on.
I was a few minuets into the episode, then I realized something.
Why am I so exited for this if I actually know them?

Dream Come True (Big Hero 6 and TMNT Story) -SEQUEL OUT NOW-Where stories live. Discover now