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Cat's POV
Nearly every night I've been having the same nightmare, Tadashi runs into a fire, and I can't do anything about it. Each time it's from a different perspective, even one time it was from Hiro's POV. I've barely been sleeping either, I figure it easier to not sleep then to go through those nightmares. And every time I've had the nightmare, Tadashi would promise me that he would never leave, but I just feel bad for waking him up at 3 in the morning almost every night.
Tonight I had it from the worst perspective.
I could move where ever I wanted to, but I still couldn't speak. I tried grabbing Tadashi when he was about to run into the fire, but a force field blocked me, and no one noticed my presence, almost like as if I was a ghost, or invisible.
I ran after Tadashi in the fire, but that was a mistake.
First of all I wouldn't be able to do anything about it anyways.
And second...I saw the explosion from inside the fire, and Tadashi...
Better I don't go into detail, but in other words...
He was gone.
Then everything slowly went back.
I woke up screaming Tadashi's name, and right away he ran into my room.
"It's alright, I'm here now."
"It felt so real..."
"I'll never leave, I promise."
After that he gave me a small picture of him, and on the other side there was a note,
To Cat,
I'll never leave you,
I promise.
Love, Tadashi.
"So now whenever you wake up from that nightmare, you can just read it."
"Thank you."
So now every night I have the nightmare, I just take out the picture and I calm down, but every now and then I do need to see the real Tadashi, instead of just a picture.
All the nightmares are gone, and I started going to SFIT around a week and a half ago, I mostly work in Tadashi's lab, because the teachers don't really care where you work, as long as your working.
"And...Done!" I said, completing the new upgrade for Neo
"What did you finish?" Tadashi asked
"The new force field for Neo! Can you help me test it?"
"Okay, try to throw that duct tape at me."
"Are you sure? Cause what if it doesn't-"
"It's just duct tape, now throw it!"
Tadashi threw the duct tape at me and Neo made a light blue force field around me, and the duct tape bounced off of it onto the ground.
"Yes! It worked!"
"Now that I helped you with your project, can you help me with mine?"
"Sure, is it with Baymax?"
"Yeah, the fighting chip Hiro gave him is accessed his health care chip, so now Baymax is back kicking instead of asking 'on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain'"
"Yeah, might wanna fix that."
"Okay, well come here."
I waked next to Tadashi and he said
"Sorry in advance."
"Why would- OWWWW!!!!!" I was interrupted by him slapping me in the face.
"Dude! That hurts! Owwww...."
Baymax inflated then said
"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal health care companion, what seems to be the problem?"
"Tadashi slapped me."
Baymax turned to Tadashi and said
"Tadashi, it is not nice to hit anyone, violence is never the answer."
Then Baymax turned back to me and said
"I will scan you, there seems to be a slight bruise on your left cheek that is tinted red. It was caused by hard physical contact. Let me spray you." Then Byamax sprayed some kind of medicine in my left cheek, within seconds the pain was fading slowly.
"Yes! He works!" Tadashi said
"Yeah, just next time not slap me."
"I said sorry in advance!"
"It's alright."

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