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Cat's POV
For the past week I've been avoiding pretty much everyone, and I only talk to them when it's completely necessary.
I was in the lab working on some 3D models and just random stuff, and Hiro came in but I tried my best to pretend he wasn't there.
"Cat?" He asked
"I-I'm really, really sorry about what happened, I really am."
"...you swear on your life that it was an accident?"
"So if you were lying, you wish you would die."
I called Bob and asked
"Bob? Do you have a promising program thing? Like let's say someone were to say that they swear on their life on something, so you have something to kill them if they're lying?"
"Okay then, listen to this." I said, then out my phone on speaker.
"Hiro, do you swear on your life that spilling that chemical on my sweater was an accident?"
"Yes." Hiro said
I waited a few seconds and he wasn't dead, so I guess he was telling the truth.
"Okay, thanks Bob." I said, then hung up the phone.
"See? It was really an accident. And I am so so so sorry!"
"Fine. Apology accepted. But seriously, Hiro, why were you being so stupid?"
"I dunno because..."
"You're stupid?"
"Yeah I guess, but anyways I wanna make this up to you."
"No, Hiro, you don't have to. It's fine."
"I will make it up to you, I won't take no for an answer."
"Oh yeah also Tadashi is really sorry too about what he did, he's actually making another animation just like yours right now to make it up to you."
"Really? Well he doesn't have to, and anyways I'd rather do the whole thing myself, it's a pride thing."
"Okay, well I should go tell Tadashi. Bye Cat"
"Bye Hiro"
I was in the lab, still just doing random, unnecessary projects. And Hiro came in once again.
"Cat! I got something for you!"
"What is it?"
"What's the something?"
"This!" And he held out his favorite blue sweater
"Why the sweater?"
"As a present! I ruined your sweater, so now I'm giving you mine!"
"No, Hiro, I can't take this"
"Yes you will!"
"Hiro, it's your-"
"Take it or I'll be sad."
"Fine." I said then took the sweater
I stayed silent for a bit and then said
"Hiro! You're so sweet! I love you!" I said while giving him a bone crushing hug.
"C-Can't breathe."
"Oh, sorry." I said then let go
"That was worse than aunt Cass's hugs and Honey Lemons hugs combined."
"Sorry, but thank you so much!"
"Well it's the least I could do after what I did."
I was still doing stupid documents and working on useless projects, and of course I spilled my water all over my computer, I checked it and there's no way I'll know how to fix it. I called Tadashi to see if I could use his.
"Tadashi? Can I use your computer for a bit? I sorta got mine soaking wet."
"Yeah, sure. Just don't delete any of my documents." He joked
"Yeah, don't worry about that."
I went on his computer and there was a pop up that said that a file was downloaded.
I called Tadashi right away
"Tadashi! You mixed up the downloads!"
"Instead of sending a document to your computer, you sent my animation! You didn't really delete it!"
"Yeah! Right now I'm saving it to every empty DVD and SD card I have!"
"That's great!"
"Yeah, well I gotta go, bye!" I said
I hung up and continued saving it to every thing I had for saving videos.
If you are wondering where Tadashi was, he was in San Fransokyo.
Because Bob made some portals for them so then during the day they can go to Different dimensions.
But when they do travel this way, time is the same.
But when they travel through their dreams, it's the opposite time.
To not confuse you, in other words, they may be in differ dimensions at different times.

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