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Cat's POV
I had suddenly lost my appetite, so I just sat on my bed. I definitely didn't want to go back out there with the sudden change of attitude of the TMNT and Jaden.
I just hope that Hiro and Tadashi don't end up the same...
Why are they being so mean to me? What did I do?
Well it started after Donnie "apologized", but I didn't do anything to him!
I didn't realize that I already had eaten my pizza, and suddenly I gained my appetite, I guess I need brain food (which in my case is pizza) to solve things, but I'm definitely not going back out there today.
Then Tadashi came in and said
"I noticed what Jaden did."
"Um, yeah, don't worry about it, I'm fine."
"And when you went past the living room."
"Stalk much?"
"The point is, why are they being so mean to you?"
"I dunno, that's what I'm trying to figure out."
"Here, I noticed that she only let you have one piece." He said while handing a play with a normal sized pizza on it.
"You're a good friend" I said while already eating the pizza.
We talked for about the rest of the day, like until 10:00 at night
"Y su tarea para hoy, es que tendrán que juntarse en parejas para el experimento de caer. (And your homework for today is that you'll have to get together in partners for the falling experiment)." My teacher said.
We have to do a thing where one person falls backwards, and the other person catches you.
"Puedo juntarme con Baymax? (can Baymax be my partner?" Hiro asked
"Si Hiro, te puedes juntarte con Baymax (Yes Hiro, Baymax can be your partner.)"
It was Mikey with Leo, Jaden and Mikey, Donnie with...I dunno, I try not to make eye contact with him so I didn't check, and it was just Raph left. Great.
Well I wouldn't really be that upset, but he's seemed pretty pissed off at me lately, i dunno why.
"Okay so you swear you're gonna catch me?" I asked. I was standing on the couch, facing away, and Raph was standing to the side so he could catch me.
"Yea, now just fall already!" He said, clearly annoyed.
I fell back, but I after a couple milliseconds no one caught me, before I knew it I was on the ground, I felt a sharp pain in my head and right arm, and I saw Raph walking away.
I felt something wet on my head and arm, I tried moving my arm, but I saw some glass impaled in it, then I tried moving my left arm that luckily wasn't hurt, and I felt the back of my head, then I moved my arm forward to see what it was, AND IT WAS BLOOD.
Then I started getting dizzy from the blood loss, and there where white dots everywhere, and my vision was blurry, then I saw Tadashi and Hiro standing there, and they were calling out 'Baymax' then every thing went black after that.

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