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IN LE NEXT TWOI DAYES (translation: three days later)
Cat's POV
"Okay you two need to know how to make nice" Tadashi said to Hiro and I
"Oh." I said, looking away from Hiro
"Listen!" Tadashi shouted, which made Hiro and I jump and look back at him.
"I don't know where these new attitudes came from, so I'm going to have you two stay in this room, until you learn to get along with each other."
"Yeah, yeah, okay 'mom.'" Hiro said
"And I have Baymax on the look out to make sure that neither of you escape, or ignore each other with video games, or robots." Tadashi said, then left the room and locked the door.
Right on cue, Baymax inflated and guarded the windows.
For the next 10 minuets we were both silent, then I said
"I hate you."
"Oh, do you think I'm enjoying being locked in here with you!?"
"Fine. Then let's just not talk!"
"You know?" Hiro said but then I cut him off by shouting in annoyance.
"There is no reason why we can't have a decent conversation." Hiro said
"I know one."
"I don't like you!" I said
"Oh cmon, you can't find one nice thing to say about me?"
"Well...I like when you're sad or stressed."
"Some thing positive!"
"Fine...well I guess you're...smart or whatever."
"Well you could say I'm smart" I said
"You are, now what's another thing you like about me?"
"...Your hair isn't horrible."
"Thanks, and I think you're pretty."
I blushed.
"No! Not friends enough!" Tadashi shouted from the other side of the door.
I sighed in defeat and said
"Ya know, I don't even remember why we were fighting in the first place."
"Neither do I, oh wait, it was because you were being a smart ass to me."
"No, that's just how I talk, and hey, you can be pretty sarcastic too sometimes."
"Like when?"
"Well let's see...what did you tell Baymax before he left your house with the micro bot?"
"I said 'why don't you find out where it wants to go?' oh wait..."
"Well I'm sorry I called you...those things."
"Me too." I said, and I was really sincere.
Then we hugged, and Tadashi came in and shouted
"Yay! Everybody loves each other again!!!!!"
So actually my internet isn't working for some reason, so I'm actually writing this without Internet, so it's gonna be posted a few hours or day/s after I wrote it.
Also, I can't see your guys' comments from the past two chapters so I'm very upset!
(Because I look forward to the comments every time I post a new chapter)
(A lot)

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