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Cat's POV
Time fro the big presentation.
Actually it's not that big, but it's fun to pretend it is.
I was in the lab pacing back and forth just trying to come up with something, Tadashi was also in the lab, at first he was working a new project, but then he noticed how I was stressing out. (Is "stressing out" even a thing?)
"Great, everything was going according to plan, but of course, at the last minute, I realize that my micro bots are a clear obstacle, for the path of success!" I said while slightly panicking.
"Cat, Cat, calm down." Tadashi said
"How can I calm down when I can't even fit all my micro bots through the door all at once? And I'm supposed to bring them to school without anyone noticing!!!!"
"Look, you can just...um...."
"Do what!?"
"I got nothing"
"Wait! What if we just disable the neurotransmitter in your helmet? Then you don't need to bring them at all"
"Yes! That's genius! Thank you Tadashi!!!!" I said while hugging him
"So where's your helmet?"
"I have it in my room, be right back!"
I ran over to my room and grabbed my helmet, then rushed down to the lab
"I have returned with my helmet!" I shouted while holding my helmet in the air.
"Someone's hyper." Tadashi said
"It's called exited, and that's just for the moment, I can get pretty dark sometimes."
"Sure you can." He said while I handed the helmet to him.
I stomped on his foot.
"And I can get violent."
After 5 minuets, Tadashi had finished disabling the transmitter, I stuck around to see if I could learn something, and somehow I did.
"Yay!!! Thank you Tadashi!!!!!!!" I said while hugging him, again.
But then I did the stupidest thing I have ever done, and have done with out thinking about at all.
What did I do after that?
Ran upstairs, into my room, jumped facedown onto my bed, and shouted.
And of course, it had to be complete with a fangirl scream-i mean- squeal.
And Jaden came in my room with the biggest smile on her face, and asked
"Whaddya do?"
"I know what that fangirl squeal was about!!!"
"Really? Do tell" i said sarcastically
"Soooo..." She said while sitting down on my bed
"Whodya kiss?" She asked
"Shut up!!!" I shouted
"C'mon, tell me all the details, like what kind of kiss was it? Was it like a little pec? Or like mshmsmshsmshmshsmsh."
"Oooohhh! And who was it with!!!?????"
"One, it was just a little kiss on the cheek, and two, I did it without thinking."
"Well who was it with?"
"Who says I have to tell you?"
"Fine, then I'll just figure out who it was."
She sat there for a minute, and then she whispered
Wow. Jaden might not be the brightest lightbulb in the box, but she figured that out quick.
I just kept my mouth shut.
"YOU KISSED TADASHI!!!!!" She blurted out
"what!?" Hiro shouted while bursting through the door.
"My life is officially over." I said while sinking my head into my pillow.
"Why? When? How?" Hiro asked
"Look, it was just a peck on the cheek, and I did it without thinking, I just did it." I explained.
"O-okay.." Hiro said, then left
"You should still pick Donnie." Jaden said
"Whoa, what?"
"I know he's been a jerk lately, but you shouted pick him."
"For what?"
"You know what I'm talking about," she said, then left.
Unfortunately, I do know what she's talking about.
This is so stupid.
Finally I did another chapter!!!
Cat x Tadashi? Nay or Yay?
And whahahaha the presentation will be in the next chapter.
Cat's POV
I just kissed Tadashi from Big Hero 6.
Tadashi's POV
Cat from Dream Come True just kissed me.

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