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Leo's POV
I couldn't fall asleep, I tried everything, Cat kept on popping up in my head, then I realized something, I like Cat.

Raph's POV
I couldn't believe how Cat beat me, I'm a trained ninja, and she has a laser shot foot! I wasn't mad at her though which is weird because I would've gotten mad at anyone else, do I like Cat? This is stupid! I'm a ninja that doesn't have time for stupid romance!
Donnie's POV
I went to bed like I promised Cat, she's really nice, and smart, and pretty, probably better than April! Wait, better than April? Do I like Cat? Maybe I'm over April, but I can't just fall in love with another girl, or can I?
I know this chapter was short but in concept it's huge! Thank you all soooo much for reading, commenting, and voting for this story! I will try to update more now that I know you guys like this book! What do you think will happen next?

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