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Cat's POV
When we got to SF, I checked my phone while Hiro went to go get Baymax all suited up.
Hiro came back with Baymax, and the first thing Baymax said was
"Tadashi, you look just like me. Are you my identical long lost twin?"
"No Baymax, I'm just in my super suit." Tadashi said
"Does that mean you are part of Big Hero 6 now?"
Then Baymax said "yay" and then slowly clapped his hands together robotically.
Daw! So cute!
"Guys, we better go. I already contacted the rest of the team to go to where Callaghan was last spotted, and that was 3 minuets ago." I said
"Well we should go out through the window, I still haven't told Aunt Cass about the big hero 8 thing yet, and I am not ready for that conversation." Hiro said
"Maybe we should just stick to the name big hero 6" I suggested
"Yeah, I agree" Tadashi said
"Okay, fine. Let's go meet up with the rest of Big hero 6"
We left and we got to the collapsing building in barely a minute.
Oh yeah, I guess Yokai sorta provoked that an office building were to be torn apart, or at least the top part. And to make things worse, it was bring you kid to work day.
When we got there, the rest of the team was saving the people inside the building, and the ones that were falling out of it. And they were also trying to keep the top half of the building from falling down.
They seemed surprised when they say Tadashi, so I said
"Long story short, he's part of the team now, but we're sticking with the name big hero 6"
We continued the saving of people and supporting the building, and I even saved a 5 year old little girl, so yay me!
"We can't keep this thing up anymore!" Hiro said, we were all doing our best to keep the building from falling, but it's *this* close to falling.
"Cat! Check inside the building to make sure no one is in there so we can drop this thing!"
"Kay Kay!" I said, going in through a holes in the wall.
No one was in there, so I was about to leave, but I couldn't find the exit where I entered.
Then the building started going more and more side ways, and I couldn't find my micro bots, so yeah, I was freaking out.
The building was tilted more and more, and I could hear Hiro screaming "Cat! Get out of there! It's gonna fall!"
I was up against the glass wall, and I couldn't move forward, the glass broke and I went flying out the building.
Yeah I'm gonna die.
In the middle of my accepting my death, Tadashi swooped through the air, and caught me!
My life is so clichè.
"You have fallen" Tadashi said
"Ya think?" I responded sarcastically.
When we got out of the way, Honey Lemon threw some chem ball down to the streets in front on the building, and they let the 3 floors fall to the ground, luckily no one or anything really got hurt, and it was like it landed on a pillow!
We left the scene before anyone could see us, and we all went back to SFIT, because we always go there after we save the day, mostly because we have extra clothes there to change into so we don't reveal our identities as super heroes.
But this time it didn't really feel like we saved the day.

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