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When recess was over, we finished our last class, it was pretty boring.
We went back to the house, luckily we convinced Tadashi that he didn't have to come and pick us up.
"We're home!" I shouted
"VIDEO GAMES!!!" Mikey shouted and he ran over to the table with all the video game consoles in front of the TV.
"Mikey, we have homework, and a lot of it, you gotta work on it." Leo said
"Actually, since Mikey and I are paired up, I think I'll just do all the work, Mikey, just write your name on the essay when I'm finished okay?" Donnie said
"Got it D!"
"Well I'm not gonna waste time, I'm gonna work on it." I said plopping my backpack down
"I'll help" Hiro said
"Duh you will, this is a group project."
Hiro and I stayed up all night, working on an essay on neural-cranial transmitters, we know that no one will come close to this good of an essay, but if theres one thing Hiro and I have in common amongst all the other things we have in common, it's that we like to blow minds.
It was 2:00 in the morning, we had finished the essay a few minuets ago, but I decided to help Hiro make more micro bots, every one was asleep, so we had to work super quietly, but we failed.
"So where do you want this bucket of mico Bo- AHHHH!" I said, being interrupted by tripping over a stack of books, that were in the middle of the floor for some reason. the whole bucket tipped over sending micro bots flying everywhere.
"Cat!" Hiro shouted, running towards me, helping me up
"Hiro, be quiet or else your gonna wake everyone up."
"I don't care if I wake the whole country up, are you okay!?"
"Yeah, I'm fine but what's about the micro bots? They're scattered everywhere, it'll take forever to clean them all up and find all of them!"
"Or maybe we could use this!" He said, pulling out the head band that control the micro bots
"Yes! Great idea! But who's gonna use it?"
"Um...Ladies first!" He said pushing the head band into my arms
"Ok..." I said while putting the head band on.
I thought if all the micro bots flying into the bucket and they work!
"Yes! This is amazing!" I shouted
"Careful you're gonna wake everyone up" Hiro said while slightly laughing
"Who cares, that work!" I shouted while pulling Hiro into a hug
"We gotta test it out!" I said
"Okay, well first try making a tower."
"Now, try walking around the place, and have the mic robots lift you up.
I used the micro its to walk just like how Hiro did in his presentation to get into SFIT.
"These are so cool!" I exclaimed
"Try going upside down" Hiro Sid
"Okay..." I said, I'm not the biggest fan of going upside down,
But I lifted the micro its up with me and I was upside down.
"This is so awesome!"
"I know, but we should probably get to bed."
"Yeah, Lemme put these away."
I moved all the micro bots back in their respective boxes and I took the head band off and went back upstairs with Hiro, when we were at the part where we separated so we could go to our own rooms, I pulled Hiro into a hug again.
"Why the hug?" Hiro asked
"What? I can't hug my friend for being the most awesome guy I know?"
"You think and the most awesome guy you know?"
"By far."
I went back to my room and I fell asleep easily.
Hiro's POV
Dream. Come. True.
This was so cool!
Comment your ideas and send me any requests that you want to happen!
Bah mah Kittehs!
Hiro! Say bye to the readers
Hiro: She-she hugged m-me
Well you can all see...or read...that Hiro is defiantly in a happy-shocked state so BYEEEEE

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